Sunday, October 31, 2010

Snooooooze! Obama faces thousands of empty seats for last Democrat voter rally


Looks like a 37% approval rating is rearing its ugly head on the campaign trail.

Democrats are about to face a “thumpin” on Tuesday as Americans around the country get to voice their this displeasure with the Obama presidency.

Let no Dem spinmeister fool you. This election is a referendum on Barack Obama’s Far Left policies. Americans don’t want their country converted into a European Welfare state, despite what Barack Obama thinks.

The man is fraud who tried to pass himself as a centrist, with the help of a corrupt media that has also been exposed for the whores that they truly are.

November 2, 2010, comes judgment day for the Democrat Party, and it won’t be pretty.

The Hill reports that the arena where President Obama and Vice President Biden are making their final appeal to Democrats to get out and vote in Tuesday's midterm elections was far from capacity Sunday afternoon.The crowd estimate stands at 8,000 in the arena that seats just over 13,000 and a couple thousand empty seats are visible above the stage where Obama and Biden rallied supporters.

More details here

Payback is definitely a bitch!

Are you ready for this?


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Nazi's Are Not Socialist

First lets start with the biggest myth associated with socialism. The biggest scare tactic is associating the German Nazi party with communism or socialism. Firstly in socialism all the people equally benefit from working as a whole. Instead of producing goods for profit the goods are created for the society use as a whole. Workers rights are put before that of the rich and ruling classes. Socialism attempts to destroy the ruling class and replace capitalism with a workers democracy.

National Socialism is only socialism for the national majority or in the Nazi's case, socialism only for white non-jewish Germans. But they benefited from the oppression and exploitation of the minorities. As anyone who cares to read up on history, the communist and social democrats were the first people thrown into the death camps or were just taken out into the country side and shot. The National Socialist party was actually more accurately described a fascist party. Fascism has been described by many people as corporatist jingoism (extreme and aggressive patriotism/right-wing-racist nationalism).

In Nazi Germany the unions were destroyed and profit for the ruling class and their factory owning friends was the number one priority. The only reason some Jewish men/woman lived through the Holocaust is they were a source of free labor.

All socialist/communist parties are staunchly anti-fascist and in most cases join forces with anarchist all the way to liberals to combat fascism. The two ideologies could not be more different.

Wrongful Name Association

One of the next biggest scare tactics against socialist is name association. As a socialist Ive been called many things in my life. It never fails for people to drop one name to trying when trying to discredit socialism; Stalin. I have personally been called a Stalinist so many times I have lost count.

Let me start by saying this; the word Stalinism has no base. Mao, Marx and Lenin, all of these people contributed something to the ideology of their respective forms of communism. For example Mao created "people protracted war" (and many other ideas) and there for Maoism is distinct from other forms of specific socialism. Stalin (unlike Mao/Lenin/Marx) contributed no advancement of socialist ideology. Thus the word Stalinist/Stalinism is just a scare tactic used to scare people away from socialism and has no base or meaning what so ever.

Communism is "Un-democratic"

First lets explain that un-like the popular opinion in the US, there is more than one form of "democracy". The US uses bourgeois democracy, meaning that the candidate with the highest funding mostly wins the election. In the US "democracy", party candidates are nominated by the parties after paying a sum of money, then voters get to pick from them in the primaries.

In socialism countries run on democratic centralism people are nominated by other people at the local level. Then after this they will run in a popular vote at the local/state or national elections depending on what they are nominated for. This is commonly called a workers democracy. In democratic centralism everyone votes as individuals but acts as one. This also keeps the citizens of said country involved in their government but this system also has problems but I will touch on that in a later post. The idea that communism is un-democratic is a truthful as saying Iraq still has WMD.

Socialism is an idea of peace, love for your brothers and sisters, community, equal rights, anti-oppression, anti-imperialism, and is all about giving the power to the majority, power to the people!

By: Dusty Slagle

Passenger Jet carried Bomb

The Sun reports that one of the powerful parcel jet bombs sent from Yemen was carried on passenger planes before it was intercepted.

Shockingly, it is claimed the explosive device, which was on its way to Chicago, could not be detected by sniffer dogs or scanners.
The package was smuggled on two jets before it arrived in Dubai and was discovered by security officials.

A spokesman for Qatar Airways said a parcel containing explosives hidden in a printer cartridge arrived in the airline's hub in Doha, Qatar, on one of the carrier's flights from the Yemeni capital Sana'a.
It was then shipped on a separate Qatar Airways plane to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

A statement on the airline website read: "Qatar Airways can confirm that a recent courier consignment was carried aboard one of its aircraft from Sana'a to Dubai via Doha International Airport.

More details and video report here

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New Yorkers Space Cadets attend Jon Stewart’s Restore Sanity Rally

Watch this video and see for yourselves the absolute whacked out space cadets that attended Jon Stewart’s Rally from New York.

These people have no clue what the rally was about other than, “Hey Dude, it’s cool to be here.”

These are the supposed New York intellectuals. The mental giants that are about to vote in Andrew Cuomo as governor and truly fuck the state.

It should have been called Rally of the Insane Rally.

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BOMBSHELL REPORT Srarah Palin: CBS reporters (in Alaska) conspired to make up stories about Joe Miller. We got tape to prove it.

It’s about to hit the fan once again for CBS!

The same news network that tried to use forged documents to malign the military service record of George W. Bush, is once again trying to rig the senatorial elections in Alaska.

From Left Coast Rebel

“Just last night it was revealed that the rally that I had for Joe Miller on
Thursday, it was revealed and we have the tape to prove it, that the CBS
reporters, the affiliate in Alaska, conspired to make up stories about Joe
We have the tape Chris, and I can’t wait until it busts out all over
the nation, that shows what it is that we… kinda what I put up with for two
years now from the media… but what Joe Miller is faced with in someone like Lisa
Murkowsky who feels so entitled to that seat, that she and some of her people
including some complicit in the media will do anything, they will stop at
nothing, to allow Lisa Murkowsky to get back elected.”


From Motivated Truth

The media has been busted conspiring once again.

This time the target is Alaska's Joe Miller who is running for Senate. Not too many knew who Miller was before he received the support of Governor Palin, and the lamestream media--along with other PDS sufferers--see a loss for him as a win against the Governor.

So once again, the media stops at nothing to promote their agenda. This one is particularly troubling, and heads should roll. Nonetheless, we see an example of this truth: "what's done in the dark will come to the light."Big Government reports:

The following voice mail message was inadvertently left on the cell phone of Joe Miller campaign spokesperson Randy DeSoto.

The voices are believed to be those of the news director for CBS Anchorage affiliate KTVA, along with assignment editor Nick McDermott, and other reporters, openly discussing creating, if not fabricating, two stories about Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, Joe Miller.

The following is a transcript of a call recorded after CBS Alaska affiliate
KTVA called Joe Miller’s Senate campaign spokesperson. The call failed to disconnect properly. It was later authenticated by McDermott, who sent a text to Randy DeSoto stating, “Damn iPhone… I left you a long message. I thought I hung up. Sorry.”

var docstoc_docid="58865471";var docstoc_title="Audio KTVA";var docstoc_urltitle="Audio KTVA";
Audio KTVA -

Clearly the reporters were conspiring to set up some type of smear of Joe Miller. With glee, they even cite a recent controversy over an incident involving the Rand Paul campaign, while discussing how they would spread the story via social media after whatever incident they had in mind came off.

It also brings to mind another recent episode that ended with Jerry Brown’s California gubernatorial campaign being caught up in controversy when someone from Brown’s camp called Brown’s opponent, Republican Meg Whitman, a “whore.”

Memeorandum Memeorandum Memeorandum
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Its hardly the most earth-shatteringly important story running at the moment, but it was surprising to read about Stephen Fry's idiotic comments on the lacking nature of the female sex drive in a recent interview. This is apparently what he said:

In uncharacteristically extreme comments, the openly gay Twitter champion said he believed most straight men felt that "they disgust women" as they "find it difficult to believe that women are as interested in sex as they are".

"For good reason," he declares in a candid interview in the November issue of Attitude magazine. "If women liked sex as much as men, there would be straight cruising areas in the way there are gay cruising areas. Women would go and hang around in churchyards thinking: 'God, I've got to get my fucking rocks off', or they'd go to Hampstead Heath and meet strangers to shag behind a bush. It doesn't happen. Why? Because the only women you can have sex with like that wish to be paid for it."

Fry, 53, continues: "I feel sorry for straight men. The only reason women will have sex with them is that sex is the price they are willing to pay for a relationship with a man, which is what they want," he said. "Of course, a lot of women will deny this and say, 'Oh no, but I love sex, I love it!' But do they go around having it the way that gay men do?"

"If you expect me to believe you really like sex you'd better do it my way"

Jarring ideas from someone so purportedly intelligent. Maybe some straight men do feel that way. And, as has been noted elsewhere, some women and men do probably use sex as a bartering tool. And some men and women don't. And some gay men don't go around 'having it' the way Fry seems to assume. But on top of this, what's surprising is the lack of analysis in the two superficial comment pieces I've seen countering Fry, here, and here.

One really important thing that both the above pieces are fundamentally missing is reference to patriarchal/kyriarchal* control of public space. Its simply this: the fact that there are no particularly well-known male-female or female-female cruising grounds has little to do with sexuality that isn't about the construction of female sexuality through control of space. This isn't an inherent thing whereby all men biologically control space and all women biologically don't, this is just another sign that we still live in a patriarchy, or overwhelmingly 'masculine' dominated culture.

Most public areas are run, still, as they always have been, along the lines of a traditional culture of masculine interest, and are kept this way not just through resistance to change, hostility to feminism, divisiveness between women, and so forth, but by an implicit threatened violence that physically and mentally keeps women (and men!) in their places.

To take an example of a public space central to our culture, how often are pubs colonised by men (and token women) doing stereotypically male things like watching men's teams play sport? Isn't it expected, at least during the 'World Cup' (not any world that interests me), that every pub will be taken over by the competition, and if you don't like it you can stay home by yourself, you spoilsport? Women do run events for women in pubs, but the overwhelming culture of the traditional public house is masculine, and more than that, macho.

I for one have never casually dropped into a pub screening something stereotypically 'female', whether a women's sports game or an episode of Sex and the City. I have also never been to a pub where groups of mostly women dominate the public space and marginalised tables of men sit as far away from the noise as possible. It just doesn't happen.

We might conclude from this that women don't like hanging out in pubs as much as men do, (as Fry would say, 'women will protest that they do like drinking in groups with their friends but if they do, why haven't they traditionally controlled society for all of time in order to create public houses specifically tailored so that they can do that in peace?'). Rather, if it can be said to be the case that women like pubs less than men, maybe its because men overwhelmingly control and run public houses in line with traditional male pursuits/traditional ideas about about what people should like to spend their time doing.

Of course the analogy with anonymous sex isn't direct, but the point stands. Just as some women go to pubs and enjoy men's sports with their male friends and just as sometimes one sees a group of women drunkenly shouting and laughing at a pub or bar, so it is that some women have and enjoy casual outdoor sex. At least, browsing the Craigslist personals section suggests that there are some straight women interested in anonymous sex with men.

But coming back to notions of male and female sexuality, think about what would happen if a group of lesbians tried to set up an outdoor cruising space? Well there are two subsidiary issues that fall underneath the pretty, I think, undeniable fact that space is patriarchal. The first, sexual violence, the second, fear of sexual violence.

On the first point, as soon as some unfortunate subsets of the male population got wind of any lesbian cruising area its quite probable that it wouldn't be left alone for long. I can only speak from my own experience here, but one of the only times I've had anonymous sex in a public area I looked up to see at least ten men standing around watching. Which soured the mood somewhat.

I'd like to think that the majority of men would be completely uninterested in any lesbian cruising area, but even if that is the case, sexual violence happens, and weighing up the attraction of anonymous casual sex with the possibility of being raped is a risk seemingly much greater for any woman than for a gay man.

Even if we believe now that the majority of rapes in the UK are carried out by perpetrators already known to the victim (see footnote four of the Stern Review), i.e. a boyfriend/girlfriend or friend, or acquaintance, it is still the case that violent stranger-rape is a cultural motif. We are taught that as soon as it gets dark, behind every bush lurks a rapist, and whilst obviously this kind of rape happens, fear of this kind of rape is one issue (though of course not the only issue) that - I'd speculate - prevents many women from ever experimenting with the kind of sex that Fry reckons all gay men have.

When spaces, both indoor and outdoor, are so often controlled by men, and where women are taught not to recognise or develop their own physical strength and bodily autonomy, and where the fear of rape is something so internalised - is it any wonder that women aren't all out having anonymous sex on Hampstead Heath? Its not for no reason that female reclamation of space, such as Reclaim the Night, generates so much controversy and feels so radical and groundbreaking. It is radical and groundbreaking.

*From this point on I'll say 'patriarchal' or 'male' rather than kyriarchal, because I'm particularly focusing on gender insofar as it makes any sense to talk about gender as something separate from the other axes of oppression. Likewise, to talk of male oppression is not, in my view, to talk of all men oppressing all women, but rather to talk of a particular kind of masculinity and a machismo-glorifying culture that also discriminates against some men.

Cemetery Tours: Monuments to Die For: Visiting the Final Resting Places of the Rich and Famous

CBS News reports and asks are you tired of the same old tourist hot spots?

Rita Braver walks us through one New York tourist attraction that's truly at the end of the line: The Cemetery in Sleepy Hollow, N.Y., conjures up frightening images, like the fearsome Headless Horsemen, pursuing poor Ichabod Crane.

We must disclose that rumors persist that this place is STILL HAUNTED. And among the spirits here is that of Washington Irving, the man who made the place famous by writing the "Legend of Sleepy Hollow," as guide Linda Ford explains:

"He was a brilliant satirist," Ford said. "I think if he were alive today, he'd be writing for 'SNL.'"

We joined some brave souls who dared to venture into the spooky world of CEMETERY TOURISM! "I just think they're wonderful places," said Doug Keister.

"They're full of history, and they're full of architecture." "And full of dead people!" said Braver.

"They're full of dead people, but they don't mind!" he laughed. If there's a chief Tombstone Tourist, it has to be photographer Doug Keister, who's visited hundreds of cemeteries, and published four books. He says it's a great way to see how the rich and famous end up . . . folks like steel manufacturer Andrew Carnegie.

One of the wealthiest men in America ended up with a very simple monument. Even simpler, according to the cemetery's historian Jim Logan, is the virtually unmarked gravesite of Darling Leo, a Cocker Spaniel interred in 1892 by a wealthy tobacco heiress who visited every day: "She would hire local schoolchildren to accompany her, and she paid them a sliding scale; the more tears they shed, the higher the wages," Logan laughed.

Turns out, you can learn a lot about human nature by visiting a cemetery. No surprise that hotel magnate Leona Helmsley, notorious for her personal extravagance, would shell out millions for a tomb for herself, her beloved husband Harry, and her even more beloved Maltese, Trouble.

More details here

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Brett Favre’s voicemail buddy, Jenn Sterger to meet with NFL this week

I bet Brett Favre wishes he just stayed home and enjoyed his retirement. He could’ve played golf or did color commentary for the NFL network or something else.

But, I’m beginning to believe the reason Brett couldn’t leave football was for the perks that went along with being a star athlete, such as sex hookups that are a voicemail or text away.

I’m just sayin’…

The New York Post reports that the former Jets sideline reporter who received voicemails from Brett Favre -- and reportedly pictures of a penis -- is likely to meet with the NFL this week as part of its investigation into Favre.
Jenn Sterger is expected to meet with league officials "late next week," her lawyer told ESPN.


Still, Sterger's manager, Phil Reese, told The Post that the brunette bombshell "has yet to make a definitive decision."

Favre met with NFL vice president for security Milt Ahlerich on Oct. 19 and confessed to calling Sterger but denied sending the crotch shots.

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

They held up Hitler signs at Jon Stewart/Stephen Cobert Restoring Sanity Rally. ACLU and NAACP didn’t notice and don’t care.

Weasel Zippers says: “Because Nothing Says Restoring Sanity Like Hitler Signs”

Zippers also writes: People wear masks and hold up anit-Republican [sic] signs in front of the National Gallery of Art during the Comedy Central ‘Rally to Restore Sanity And/Or Fear’ on Saturday.

Nice try Jon and Stephen, but you didn’t come close to outdoing the number of people Glenn Beck (half million) had at his rally. In fact, if it wasn’t for Arianna Huffington bribing people 10,000 with a free bus ride to the event, the rally wouldn’t fill Stewart’s set for The Daily Show

More details here


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Ron Howard makes right decision on Gay joke: It stays in the movie The Dilemma

Kiss my ass, Anderson Cooper!

Wait a sec…he would probably like that.

But, I digress. Anderson Cooper and the hoodlums at GLAAD, took offense to the line, “That’s Gay!” in the new upcoming comedy, The Dilemma.

As often is the case with “these people” (LGBT crowd) and I say it to piss them off, and it always does, whenever you make them the butt of a joke, they can’t seem to act like adults and take it in stride.

No way!

They just have to raise up and throw the dreaded “H-word”, HOMOPHOBIA around. It can never be a matter of was it or wasn’t it funny. No, it has to be an accusation meant to intimidate and squelch free speech.

These professional offendees must stay offended in order to solicit grants and donations from dopes dopey enough to believe their premise.


And if you don’t like it, don’t go see the movie and stay home and watch Steve McQueen instead.

The Los Angeles Times reports that comics have been making gay jokes for years, but perhaps none of them has caused as much of a stir as the quip uttered by Vince Vaughn when he made fun of an electric car by saying, "It's gay," in the trailer for the upcoming Ron Howard comedy, "The Dilemma."

Coming just as the media was full of stories about taunts and attacks on gay teens that drove some to suicide, the joke hit a raw nerve. After CNN's Anderson Cooper publicly took issue with the trailer's joke, saying "we've got to do something to make those words unacceptable 'cause those words are hurting kids," a full-blown controversy erupted. Universal Pictures pulled the trailer, substituting a new one scrubbed of any gay humor.

But that was three weeks ago, and this is now. Universal has confirmed to me that the joke is staying in the movie, which is slated for release in January. The decision is ultimately Howard's call, since he is a final-cut director, although my sources tell me that Howard sought advice from a variety of sources, not only from talent involved with the film but also from people at Universal and in the larger comedy community.

I've already staked out my own opinion on the issue in a
column I wrote several weeks ago. I concluded that "comedy is a lot like free speech--sometimes you have to hold your nose to support it." In other words, I'm not sure that I'm all that comfortable with most of the gay jokes I've heard, but once you start trying to make value judgments about one joke over another, you're on a slippery slope to the arid wasteland of political correctness.

Howard recently asked if he could respond to a
series of questions I'd raised when the news first broke about the controversy. He's provided answers to everything I initially wondered about, and even asked a few provocative questions of his own. He makes one particularly important point about an issue that was lost in all the hubbub, but applies to a lot of art that is viewed as offensive or controversial: Just because a character in a film says or does something wildly inappropriate doesn't necessarily mean that the filmmaker agrees with it.

He explains why the joke stays in the film, as well as offers his take on the difference between sensitivity and censorship. Here's what Howard has to say:

I've been reading your posts about THE DILEMMA with a lot of interest.In the couple of weeks since you started covering the debate over our joke, it seems a larger conversation made up of many questions about all sorts of freedoms of expression has broken out: When's it okay to walkoff of a talk show if you disagree with the guest?

Who is appropriate to cast in a movie and who gets to decide that?

Should news people be held to a different standard in what they say?

How risqué can a photo shoot be for a men's magazine promoting an all-audience show?

What role does comedy play in both pointing out differences and unifying us throughlaughter?

They're all good questions and I'm certainly not the person who has definitive answers to all of them. The debate about what is appropriatein films and advertising has been going on since well before I startedin the business -- which is to say a very long time -- and will never have a conclusion. But I do have some answers to the five questions you put forth in your post.

I suppose you're right that since our movie about two friends trying to do right for each other has been caught up in this larger debate, I'll have to face these questions as we start to promote THE DILEMMA. I figured I'd address your questions here and maybe answer them once and not from, as you said, "every reporter with a functioning brain."

So here we go.

So why was the joke in the movie? Our lead character of Ronny Valentine has a mouth that sometimes gets him into trouble and he definitely flirts with the line of what's okay to say. He tries to do what's right but sometimesfalls short. Who can't relate to that? I am drawn to films that have a variety of characters with different points of view who clash, conflict and learn to live with each other. THE DILEMMA is a story full of flawed characters whose lives are complicated by the things they say to and hide from each other.

More details here

It’s ridiculous that Howard is explaining the basis for this comedy.


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Sandy Alderson’s Intro as New York Mets GM

I’m very happy Mets ownership finally made a good decision. Sandy was the guy I wanted as gm because the Mets need a change of culture just as much as they need improvement on the field.

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Happy Whore-laween

So... Today is Saturday October 30 aka the night I'll be celebrating Halloween. Actually I kicked off Halloween weekend last night with a little Halloween party hosted by a second year student. It was fun, but I can't help feeling just a little off today.

You see, this Halloween is different. My costume (as per usual) was... we'll call it less than conservative. The fact that I was wearing something a little revealing isn't different from Halloweens past.

I usually live by the 'Mean Girls' theory that "Halloween is the one day a year that a girl can dress like a total slut and no one can say anything about it"
No, It was the way I was treated that changed.

Perhaps this was due to the fact that previous Halloweens were spent with a boyfriend in tow. Or could it have been that I was just with a more wiley crowd last night?

Whatever the reason I received some treatment last night that I did not appreciate. Let's just say, I learned a valuable lesson..

**Dress like a skank and you might just get treated like one.**

Leftists on the ledge: ABC hires Andrew Breitbart for Election Analysis

Don’t jump!

The Huffington Post, Think Progress, and Media Matters readers are beside themselves with the news that the brilliant conservative blogger, Andrew Breitbart, is taking a spot away from a fellow Leftist Looney Bird on the ABC network.

Look at’em, their veins are pooping out. They can’t find their Valum, and their Cappuccino machine is on the fritz

Andrew Breitbart on ABC?


The Huffington Post reports Media Matters confirms that ABC News has recruited Andrew Breitbart, the conservative blogger whose out-of-context video footage of Shirley Sherrod got the Agriculture Department official , to provide commentary for the network's election-night newscast.

The news was first reported by Breitbart's own website, BigJournalism, whose editor Dana Loesch is on tap to provide live analysis in the ABC News studio on Election Night. Breitbart is slated appear live from a town hall meeting anchored by ABC's David Muir and Facebook consumer marketing head Randi Zuckerberg.

ABC News spokesman David Ford told Media Matters -- which, in the wake of Sherrod's firing, unveiled a video entitled
"The End of Andrew Breitbart's Credibility", and which maintains detailed files on him -- that Breitbart will not have license to lie during the broadcast. "He will be one of many voices on our air, including Bill Adair of Politifact," Ford said.

"If Andrew Breitbart says something that is incorrect, we have other voices to call him on it."

More details here

The Left still hasn't recoverd from Andrew Breitbart's shrewd use of a video taken out of context. You see, it's the Left's favorite tactic to use video or audio out-of-context a a basis for their attacks.

But, Andrew gave'em a taste ot their own medicine and they didn't like it. Breitbart RULRS!!!


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Friday, October 29, 2010

Kendrick Meek’s is full of bull! Bill Clinton and the Dems wanted the Negro out, so the White Boy Crist could win!

Hone slice Kendrick Meek can try and play if off all he wants, but the only conversation Bill Clinton would want to have with him if for him to step off and leave the race. This is exactly how the Democrat Party treats Black candidates on the regular. It was the same story here in New York when Carl McCall, an African American wanted to be governor. But, the Dems threw their weight behind Andrew Cuomo, again-the white boy!

But, the Democrat Party knows that they will continue to get the Black vote anyway.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Florida independent Senate candidate Charlie Crist personally lobbied Democratic candidate Kendrick Meek to exit the race this week, offering him a cross that had been a gift from his sister, Mr. Meek said Friday.

The gesture occurred Monday as Mr. Crist and Mr. Meek were surrounded by local Jewish leaders at a Hollywood, Fla., meeting of the pro-Israel lobbying group American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
“I was shocked when he did it,” Mr. Meek said in an interview late Friday. “I told him to keep the cross and that I carry my Christianity in my heart.”
Crist spokesman Danny Kanner said he would not comment on a private conversation.

Mr. Meek’s account is the latest turn in an increasingly twisted tale of political intrigue.

Mr. Crist, the Florida governor, had called Mr. Meek, a Miami congressman, earlier that morning, about 4:50 a.m., leaving a voice mail asking if they could meet up at the AIPAC gathering. “I’ll call you later this morning and see if we can work out a time to get together just you and me,” Mr. Crist said in the voice mail, which was played for Washington Wire by Mr. Meek. “Take care, buddy.”

Mr. Meek was scheduled to speak at AIPAC about 8:30 and Mr. Crist at 10, but the governor showed up an hour early in hopes of catching the congressman.
Mr. Meek said he tried to avoid Mr. Crist, but as he left the stage, “there he was, right in front of me.”
“He said, ‘If you were to drop out and work with me and help me we together can beat Marco Rubio,’” Mr. Meek recalled. “I said, ‘Governor, that’s a non-starter.’

“Then he dug down into his pocket and pulled a small cross out,” Mr. Meek continued. “He said his sister gave it to him and he wanted to give it to me so I would think about it.”

Mr. Meek said Mr. Crist had been calling him repeatedly all weekend, and that he blames Mr. Crist for spreading rumors in recent weeks that he was going to drop out of the three–way race against Mr. Rubio, the GOP nominee.

Mr. Crist’s camp had been in contact with aides to former President Bill Clinton, who last week tried to convince Mr. Meek he could not win the race and that exiting might help Mr. Crist defeat Mr. Rubio.
Mr. Crist, on the early-morning voice mail, described himself as a “night owl.” Mr. Meek said he was asleep when the call came in.

“For him to call me at four something in the morning, you know something’s not right,” Mr. Meek said.

More details

ABC News reports the controversy over whether former President Bill Clinton urged Democratic candidate Kendrick Meek to drop out of the Florida Senate race to help an Independent win has given a last minute issue to Republicans, who called the report an example of Washington's penchant for backroom deals.

Clinton issued a statement this afternoon denying he asked Meek to leave the race. The former president's aides confirmed to ABC News and various other media outlets Thursday that the former president asked the Democrat twice to drop out while campaigning for him in the Sunshine state last weekend, as Politico first reported.

"We did talk last week following a rally in Orlando about the race and it's challenges. I didn't ask Kendrick to leave the race, nor did Kendrick say that he would," Clinton said in a statement today. "I told him that how he proceeds was his decision to make and that I would support him regardless."

"I still believe he could be the best senator to help Florida and America emerge from the current crisis and build a growing middle class economy," Clinton added.


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Randy Travis livin’ Divorce side of town

First Randy gets busted by his wife with a spy-cam, then he asks for forgiveness, now its lawyer getting’ time and it’s done.


But, when you travel on the cheatin’ side of town, one is apt to get brunt.

AP reports that Randy Travis and his wife-manager Elizabeth Travis have divorced.

Family spokeswoman Maureen O'Connor confirmed to The Associated Press on Friday that the divorce was final.

No further details were given, but an earlier statement that the couple had "parted ways" said Elizabeth Travis would continue to be Travis' personal manager. The statement said the couple would have no further comment and asked for "respect for their privacy during this time."

Neither could be reached for comment.

A petition for dissolution of marriage was filed by Randy Travis in Albuquerque, N.M., on Thursday.

They have a home in Santa Fe. The petition calls for an equal split of assets, but offers no clues about why the Travises split, other than saying a "state of incompatibility exists between the parties."

The couple has had a 34-year business and personal relationship that began when a teenage Travis won a talent contest at the Charlotte, N.C., nightclub his future wife owned in the mid-1970s with her first husband. They married in 1991.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Michelle Malkin slams Gawker for smear piece on Chrisitine O’Donnell

Leave it to the slime balls at Gawker to sink as low as Barack Obama’s approval ratings.

The Gawker smear machine: A refresher course; Update: O’Donnell responds

Michelle Malin

If you’re a longtime reader of this blog, you know all about the Gawker smear machine and its misogynist war on conservative women.

Under Gawker Media boss Nick Denton, barrel-scraping blog Wonkette published racist, sexist crap like this:

And manufactured smears like this.

In 2008, it was lying Gawker that published Sarah Palin’s hacked private e-mails, raided her family’s private photos, stolen from the e-mail account, used Bristol Palin’s illegally obtained private cell phone number from her mom’s private account, recorded her voice mail message and posted it on their website, and reprinted her husband Todd’s private e-mail address and son Track’s private e-mail address.

And today, it is Gawker running a filthy, paid anonymous hit piece on Christine O’Donnell that even other left-wingers have disavowed.

Salon: Gawker’s Christine O’Donnell tell-all backfires

Politics Daily’s Jill Lawrence: “Gawker on Christine O’Donnell is absolutely, totally, offensively out of line. Awful. You won’t get link from me.”

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Muddy Waters-Mannish Boy

This is defiantly one of the greatest Blues songs ever written.

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James “Book'em Danno” MacArthur of the original Hawaii Five-O Dead at 72

I remember growing up watching the original Hawaii Five O and waiting for Jack Lord to say, “Book’em Danno!”

It was the only way I knew the show was over because I was too young to follow the complex plots.

Today, I’m a super huge fan of the New Hawaii Five O and it’s nice to see Scott Caan carrying in the legacy James MacArthur started,

The New York Daily News reports that James MacArthur, who played Detective Daniel "Danno" Williams for almost all of the original television series "Hawaii Five-O" and was best known for a line he never spoke, died Thursday in Florida of "natural causes."

No further details were released. He was 72.

MacArthur, adopted son of the famous actress
Helen Hayes and her playwright husband Charles MacArthur, grew up among screen and literary stars.

Regular guests at the MacArthur home in
Nyack included members of the Marx Brothers and the Algonquin Round Table, and his godmother was Lillian Gish.

He dropped out of
Harvard in his sophomore year to pursue acting and he appeared in hundreds of movie, television and regional stage roles over the years.

He starred in one play on Broadway, opposite Jane Fonda for "Invitation to a March" in 1960.

He was best known, however, for "Book 'em, Danno," the signature line of his "Hawaii Five-O" partner Steve McGarret, played by Jack Lord.

That satisfying directive often closed "Hawaii Five-O" episodes, just before the immortal theme song kicked in.

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R.I.P Danno!

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Birthday Girl Kelly Osbourne goes for the gold by recreating Iconic Goldfinger scene

Recently revamped Kelly Osbourne wanted to show the world her new bod. Goldfinger is still one of my favorite Bond films and Kelly works it for all it’s worth.

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Read'em and weep! Coalition for Obama Split by Drift to G.O.P., Poll Finds

Turn out the lights, the party is over, according to the NY Times!

The New York Times reports that critical parts of the coalition that delivered President Obama to the White House in 2008 and gave Democrats control of Congress in 2006 are switching their allegiance to the Republicans in the final phase of the midterm Congressional elections, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

Republicans have wiped out the advantage held by Democrats in recent election cycles among women, Roman Catholics, less affluent Americans and independents. All of those groups broke for Mr. Obama in 2008 and for Congressional Democrats when they grabbed both chambers from the Republicans four years ago, according to exit polls.

If women choose Republicans over Democrats in House races on Tuesday, it will be the first time they have done so since exit polls began tracking the breakdown in 1982.

The poll provides a pre-Election Day glimpse of a nation so politically disquieted and disappointed in its current trajectory that 57 percent of the registered voters surveyed said they were more willing to take a chance this year on a candidate with little previous political experience. More than a quarter of them said they were even willing to back a candidate who holds some views that “seem extreme.”

On the issue most driving the campaign, the economy, Republicans have erased the traditional advantage held by Democrats as the party seen as better able to create jobs; the parties are now even on that measure. By a wide margin, Republicans continue to be seen as the party better able to reduce the
federal budget deficit.

The public wants compromise from both sides, though it thinks Mr. Obama will try to do so more than Republicans will. Yet for all of its general unhappiness, the electorate does not seem to be offering any clear guidance for Mr. Obama and the incoming Congress — whoever controls it — on the big issues.
While almost 9 in 10 respondents said they considered government spending to be an important issue, and more than half said they favored smaller government offering fewer services, there was no consensus on what programs should be cut. There was clear opposition to addressing one of the government’s biggest long-term challenges — the growing costs of paying
Social Security benefits — by raising the retirement age or reducing benefits for future retirees. Support for one of Mr. Obama’s main economic proposals — raising taxes on income above $250,000 a year — has declined substantially over the course of this year.

Though Republicans have managed to keep Democrats on the defensive over the health care plan they enacted this year, the poll also shows Americans remain divided over Republican promises to repeal it. Forty-five percent said the law should stand, and 41 percent said it should go.

The poll does not measure the strength of individual candidates in specific districts, where indeterminate factors like voter turnout and even weather can affect results. And the poll, taken nationally Thursday through Tuesday with interviews of 1,173 adults, did not ask about
United States Senate contests, as 14 states do not have Senate races this year. (The poll had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.)

But it does offer a clear indication of party strength at the end of what has been a particularly intense and hard-fought midterm campaign with more bad news than good for Mr. Obama and his party.

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And this is how youget a 37% approval rating.



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Obama getting ready to flip on Gay Marriage

Are you really that surprised? I think Obamam was for gay Marriage all along, but said he wasn’t to get elected.

"I think that it is an issue that I wrestle with and think about because I have a whole host of friends who are in gay partnerships. I have staff members who are in committed, monogamous relationships, who are raising children, who are wonderful parents. And I care about them deeply," Obama continued. "And so while I’m not prepared to reverse myself here, sitting in the Roosevelt Room at 3:30 in the afternoon, I think it’s fair to say that it’s something that I think a lot about. That’s probably the best you’ll do out of me today."

Barack Obama to Lefty Bloggers

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I guess Obama don't think much about his fake faith!


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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Indeed your holidays in any country would never be complete without travelling across the length and breadth of the main attractive points. However in a nation like New Zealand, travelling could be quite expensive and it is for this reason that a number of tourists love to go in for the cheap rental cars. There are a number of car rental companies that offer this service with most of them providing the self drive method. This way, travellers would get all the flexibility and freedom they need to discover places in the country.

One of the first things you need to do in this regard is to ensure that you search for the available car rental companies that are mostly in your city. It is important that you do not become overwhelmed with the sheer number of options that would be presented to you. This is because New Zealand is one of the top tourist destinations in the whole world. For this reason you would be able to access a variety of cheap rental cars. There are a number of things you should take note of when choosing a car rental company during your holidays here.

One of the crucial things you should always check out is whether there are any hidden costs or extra fees. These may include such items as drop off charges, accessories and insurance. Moreover it is possible that you may have to pay a deposit when booking for one of the cheap rental cars. There may the requirement of a credit card bond which would be taken on the initiation of the rental and then released upon the end of the hire. This is normally done to ensure that the car is ideally compensated for any damage that may have occurred during usage.

You should ensure that the cheap rental cars company you select offers a 24 hour roadside assistance. Indeed there is nothing that is so much worrying and frustrating like the feelings of anxiety associated with the breakdown of your car in the middle of the road. When this service is available you would be get tremendous relief when you are in such trouble. Another thing that you check is the availability of the New Zealand Qualmark logo. This is the official quality indicator offered for all those in the tourism industry in the country. It is a sign of professional and trustworthy business. Surely, just because you are on the market for cheap rental cars does not mean that you should settle for a dodge car rental company.

For your cheap rental cars in the country of New Zealand, always ensure that your use these points as a guide so that your budget would not be ruined. Indeed the next step would be choosing the company that fits within your budget. Moreover you have to select cars that can accommodate the size and amount of luggage you would be bringing along.

Look down! There’s Obama with a 37% approval rating, new low and still sinking

The Obama-suck up media will conveniently not make a big deal of this. But, the community organizer from the Southside of Chicago is making a run at Jimmy Carter’s title as the worst president ever.

Where did all the love go?

What happened to the sea levels and that baloney about the land beginning to heal?

This was the moment when the country started going down the toilet by voting in a socialist president who never ran even a lemonade stand.

This was the moment when America re-discovered what a Far Leftist president governs like: nationalize the car industry, the banks, student loans, mortgages, and don’t forget ObamamCare

This was the moment when Obama thought he could spend us into prosperity.

This was the moment when the DOJ dropped the case against the New Black Panther Party.

This was the moment when Obama couldn’t stop bowing to foreign leaders and apologizing for his country.

This was the moment when millions of Americans who voted for Obama said, “What the hell was I thinking?”

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The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit (Video)

From The Blaze

As President Barack Obama tours the country on the campaign trail with fellow Democrats, he’s made one metaphor a staple of his usual stump speech:

I want you to think about it this way. Imagine that these folks [Republicans] drove a car into the ditch. And it was a really deep ditch. And somehow they were able to walk away from the accident, but they did nothing to get the car out of the ditch. And so, me and Barbara [Boxer] and Jerry [Brown] and Antonio [Villaraigosa], we all put on our boots and we climbed down into the ditch.

And it’s hot down there. Flies are down there — (laughter) — and we’re sweating. But we’re pushing, we’re pushing to get the car out of the ditch. And even though Barbara Boxer is small, she is pushing, too. And we’re all pushing. (Applause.) And as we’re pushing, we look up and the Republicans are all standing there at the top of the ditch. They’re all looking down. And we say, why don’t you come down and help?

And they say, no, that’s all right. And then they kick some dirt down into the ditch. (Laughter.) They’re sipping on a Slurpee. They’re fanning themselves. You’re not pushing hard enough, they say. You’re not pushing the right way.

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I need one of those for my meighbors!

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Entire police force (14 members) quit their jobs at small Mexican town of of Los Ramones

The anarchy in Mexico continues to spread across the countryside. Small town mayors, police chiefs, and citizens are being murdered as easily as wiping a spec of lint off your shirt.

Havoc and mayhem is the norm as rival drug cartels seize control of more and more territory. And the violence is spilling into our country!

Where are the U.N. peacekeepers in this situation?

CBS New reports that all 14 Members of Los Ramones Police Force Resign after Gunmen Attack their Headquarters

The entire police force of a small northern Mexican town has quit after gunmen attacked their headquarters. Los Ramones Mayor Santos Salinas says nobody was injured.

But he told Reforma newspaper that all 14 members of the force resigned Tuesday, a day after the shooting. Nobody answered the phones at Salinas' offices. Los Ramones is in Nuevo Leon, a state torn by fighting between the Gulf and Zetas drug gangs.

Police stations in small northeastern Mexican towns are frequently attacked, and several mayors have been assassinated. Mexico's ill-equipped municipal forces often quit after cartel attacks.

President Felipe Calderon has proposed eliminating Mexico's municipal forces and replacing them with one force per state. Meanwhile, the bodies of two men, one of them decapitated, were found in a Mexican border city Tuesday, and police suspect they may have been behind the massacre of 14 young people at a birthday party.

The bodies were found inside an SUV in Ciudad Juarez, said prosecutor Jorge Gonzalez Nicolas. One of them had been decapitated, and his head was left in the car. Both bodies had their hands and feet bound and bore signs of torture. A sign left with the bodies accused them of killing women and children.

Gonzalez said the message raised the possibility that the two men were involved in the attack on the party Friday night. Gunmen pulled up to two homes next door to each other in a lower-middle-class Ciudad Juarez neighborhood and opened fire on about four dozen partygoers gathered for a 15-year-old boy's birthday party.

The dead were 13 to 32 years old, including six women and girls. Gonzalez said the survivors would be shown photographs of the faces of the two men found dead Tuesday. The two men appeared to be in their early 20s, which coincides with accounts from some of the survivors, he said.

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Charlie Sheen found drunk, naked, and incoherent at Plaza Hotel

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie!

I’m very late with this story, sorry, other things to attend to.

Multiple reports say that Charlie Sheen was found naked and babbling in his room at the Plaza hotel. From the looks of it, it seems that he went on a bender with a call girl and some cocaine to add to the festivities.

This is really a shame, because he’s using up all his luck and the next thing that happens will be the sleep from where he doesn’t wake up.

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Joy Behar says Sharron Angle: “She’s Going To Hell, This Bitch!”

Ah, the cool calmness of Liberals who like to pass themselves off as the most enlightened, most caring, most tolerant people on earth.

This has always been a false picture because Liberals are in fact the complete opposite of what they claim to be.

Joy Behar, one of The View’s talking heads is a prime example of a mean-spirited, dim witted Liberal who viciously attacks conservatives every chance she gets to draw attention to herself.

Mediaite reports that the ladies of The View were up in arms today over Sharron Angle’s campaign ad depicting a group of threatening Latinos menacing some white students. It is the same ad Rachel Maddow called “most overtly racist ad of this campaign season” on Meet the Press this weekend. Said Joy Behar:

“I’d like to see her do this ad in the South Bronx. Come here bitch, come to New York! I’m not praying for her! She’s going to hell! She’s going to hell, this bitch!”

See more details here

I didn’t know Joy was given the power by God Almighty to pass judgment and send people to Hell? If that’s the case, we all need to pray!


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Carrie Underwood’s Weird Baby Plot with her friends

Country singer, Carrie Underwood, has come with an idea to find baby sitters even though she’s not even expecting. She and her friends have agreed to all get pregnant at the same so they can each share in looking after each other’s kid.

Her hockey star husband, Mike Fisher, seems to also believe that it takes a village to raise a child.

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Sounds like communism to me.

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MoveOn Supporter Brutally Attacked by Rand Paul Supporter

Lefty bloggers are crying foul. What else can these a’holes say who are about to get trounced on Nov 2?

The Atlantic Online reports that the Rand Paul-Jack Conway debate may have been staid, but things were not so outside the debate. A Kentucky reader sends word that according to the local Fox affiliate, a young woman affiliated with was brutally attacked--stomped in the head--outside the debate by a Rand Paul supporter. The story led the local newscast. Here's the video, and it's truly awful:

Oh, cry me a river,!


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