Saturday, July 17, 2010

I Can't Get No... Satisfaction

Heyo... Yes, in case you are wondering it is 2:59 in the morning as I begin this post.

What am I doing up?

Well I probably wasn't cutting out pictures from magazines for the boxes I plan to mod podge, because that would just be silly... especially when I should be resting after having worked a 14-hour day today (8 hrs at Macy's and another 6 at the races)... or even sleeping because I have to wake up in 5 hours to work another 14-hour day tomorrow.

Ok fine... I just finished snipping up the July Cosmo. You couldn't let it rest, could you? So, current time is now 3:03. Scissors put away, teeth brushed, pj's on, and I started thinking. As it often does, my thinking led to **(bet you can't guess)** blogging.

So folks, you want to know what's on my mind?

I'm wondering..
Why am I getting up in 5 hours to work a 14 hour day?
...Especially when these are my last few weeks of the summer before I start med school and my social life is forced to take a backseat to books and academia...

You see, I had such high hopes for this summer. This was supposed to be the 'Summer of Fun 2010.' One giant party full of last hoorah's before I barely have time to squeeze in a hoo let alone the rest of the rah.

And so I find myself feeling a little dissatisfied.
This is not the summer I hoped for. Instead of parties and fun in the sun I find myself working 2 jobs... ew.

Ok, so I needed something to keep me busy while I was home... and I wanted to save up some money to furnish my place. But guess what? I did that. Now I think it's time to move on.

Yep, it's decided. Tomorrow I'm quitting. I have exactly one month until medical school starts and I plan to make the most of it!

...Summer just got a lot more satisfiying...
Wish me luck!
Oh, and good night. (3:15 a.m.)

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