Friday, February 12, 2010

All My Single Ladies

It’s a 3 day weekend and being the independent, adventurous, young lass that I am I was hoping for a little adventure. A road trip to San Francisco fell through because my friends just don’t have the funds. Dreams of Arizona and then L.A. died equally quickly. Plans foiled, I find myself in Logan, again.

In truth, I wanted to go on a road trip to see a new city and have some fun, but I think I was a little more determined than usual to get out of town. Why you ask was I so anxious to escape?
…Valentine’s Day…
(ok, the cupid is a little dramatic but read on)

I asked myself why. Why would I turn tail and run from a holiday so seemingly innocent, one bordered with lace, sponsored by an adorable arrow-toting cherub, and in honor of something so great as LOVE? And then I realized, maybe I’m being a little silly. So I don’t have a Valentine, it’s nothing to get my panties in a twist about. Actually, I was asked out by 2 guys for V-day (I know, I’m just as surprised as you), but as I’d rather not spend my 3-day weekend on an awkward first date, I took a rain-check. And that, my few and faithful readers, was the turning point.

Here I am spending the first half of my week in a lonely funk, a pink and lacy raincloud overhead pelting me with little candy hearts that read things like “alone,” “table for one?,” and “better get a cat,” when I turn down a couple of dates and realize… here it comes…
I’m happy.

Don’t get me wrong, I love having a boy around just as much as the next girl, but I’m not as hard-up for a date or lonely as this holiday was making me feel. In fact, I quite like being single:

1) I can spend money on what I want- Never take for granted the joy a new Via Spiga coat can bring. (Pictured below in navy, mine's black)

2) I can go out with the girls- There is nothing more fun than a night out getting all dressed up and hitting the town.
3) I can travel- My one true love... I secretly want to visit all the continents minus Antartica before I'm 25.
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
(Pictures I took of the Colosseum - Rome, a sunset in the Serengeti Desert - Africa, and The Hall of Mirrors in the Chateau De Versailles - Paris)
4) It’s exciting- There’s always something to do and someone new to hang out with.
5) It’s not confusing- You don’t have to worry about what the other person is thinking or sit and analyze things.

See, being single isn't so bad. But, just because I like it doesn’t mean that I’m a man-hater. In fact, quite the opposite- boys are kinda my thing. I’ll even admit that when the time is right I like being in a relationship. It’s nice to have someone invested in me and likewise I like caring about another person, it's just I like being single too.

So... regardless of the brief moment of panic that my lack of a Valentine may have caused, until I find someone worth sacrificing singality for, I’d prefer to fly it solo. And there you have it. Instead of downing a pint of Ben and Jerry’s with Celine Dion's “All By Myself” playing in the background, I’ll be pumping Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” this Valentine's Day.
So 'Put your hands up, oh oh oh!'
Happy Valentines Day and lots of love.

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