Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rep. Weiner Has Angry Exchange With Capitol Hill Reporters Over Twitter Scandal

Looks like Weiner is getting hot under the collar with questions concerning Weinergate. To date, he hasn’t filed of police report of the alleged hack of his Twitter account.

That seems very strange to me.


One of Capitol Hill’s most media-friendly people, New York Rep. Anthony Weiner, seems to be souring on the subject of his Twitter account, brushing off questions about his Twitter feed and the photo of a man in his underwear that was sent from that account. “I’m not going to talk about this anymore,” Weiner said Tuesday afternoon, in an exchange with journalists CNN described as “angry.”

More here


How To Rent A Car For Hertz ?

How to rent a car for hertz ?
How to rent a car for hertz ?

BUMPED UPDATE-REVEALED Muslim girl, 19, 'stoned to death after taking part in beauty contest'

She was buautiful and didn't deserve to die because of Islamic stupitidy and backwardness!

3 youths in the Ukraine claim the killing was justified under Sharia law. Has any Liberal women’s groups like NOW ever released a statement condemning these so-called honor killings?

I don’t think so.

Maybe it’s because Islam is the chic religion of The Left. I’m just sayin’…


The Today shows previews Sara Palin, Snooki and ignores Weinergate

Double standard anyone?

Killing Israeli children OK with Iran cleric

This is the mentality idiots at the UN and on The Left fail to acknowledge as they bash Israel whenever they do anything to defend themselves.

As we speak Iran is actively trying to develop a nuclear weapon. What is President Obama doing to stop it? During the presidential campaign he frequently said Iran getting a nuclear weapon would be a "game changer".

Witnessing the animosity Obama seems to have with Israel, I guess the game is gonna change with U.S. approval.


Evil words in Islamic Republic: A senior Iranian cleric, who is known as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's spiritual mentor, urged followers to continue suicide attacks against Israelis, including children.

Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah, considered one of the Islamic Republic's most radical clerics, issued a religious edict on his website whereby suicide attacks are not only legitimate but are a must for every Muslim, a special paper by the Middle East Media Research Institute shows.

More here


Monday, May 30, 2011

Self-defence or murder? Outrage as pharmacist Jerome Ersland who shot 16-year-old trying to rob his shop gets life sentence

If you enter a store with a gun to commit a crime of armed robbery,whatever happens to you after you cross that line is well deserved.

That pharmacist is a hero and that 16 year old deserved to doe!

Daily Mail

A controversial decision to send a pharmacist to jail for life for shooting dead a young man who tried to rob his store has caused a storm of protest.
Jerome Ersland was given a life sentence for the first-degree murder of 16-year-old Antwun Parker at an Oklahoma court last week.

The 59-year-old pharmacist shot the youngster six times during an attempted armed robbery in 2009, leading jurors to decide he had acted beyond the limits of self defence.

Dramatic CCTV footage from May 19 2009 shows Antwun Parker and an accomplice running into the Reliable Discount Pharmacy in south Oklahoma City and pointing a gun directly at Mr Ersland.

The pharmacist, who was once an Air Force lieutenant colonel, can then be seen reaching for a pistol of his own before firing at the two young men, with one of the shots hitting Parker to the ground.

After chasing the accomplice from the store, Ersland then gets a second gun before shooting Parker another five times, almost a minute after he fired the first gunshot.

In court, Mr Ersland's attorneys insisted their client had acted in self-defence.

More here

Weimer does the lawyer thing and releases statement

Oh yes, Weiner is following the salacious sex scandal script to the letter. Deny, divert and hire a lawyer.

“At a time when the GOP is playing games with the debt limit, a member of the Supreme Court is refusing to recuse himself from matters he has a financial interest in, and middle class incomes are stagnant, many want to change the subject,” Weiner said in a statement emailed to POLITICO by his office. “I don’t. This was a prank, and a silly one. I’m focused on my work.”
Anthony Weiner May 30. 2011

The plot thickens….


Weiner has many hot women on his Twitter list. Were all tweets political?

The sage of Anthony “I didn’t send lewd pic of my weenie because I got hacked and didn’t call the police” Weiner continues. There are still many unanswered questions the MSM still can’t seem to ask. Having a “D” behind his name really helps.

Jim Hoft of Gateway Pendit did some extra digging the MSM didn’t wanna do.

On Friday far left Rep. Anthony Weiner said his twitter and Facebook accounts were hacked. He said this after a picture of his penis was reportedly sent out to a young woman in Seattle.

Gennette was not the only young attractive woman who made it on Rep. Weiner’s select list.

More than 45,000 people followed Rep. Anthony Weiner on twitter. He followed only 198.

Here are a few of the people Rep. Weiner looked to for his news and entertainment… But mostly entertainment.

Gateway says this was just the first few pages. I’m not a Twitterhead, but isn’t it proper Twitter etiquette that if somebody follows you, that you also follow them?

So why is Weiner following only 198?

Why are they all women?

Does he have any time to do work like trying to fix Medicare?


Dems control 2 houses but prefer Mediscare to fixing Medicare

Definition of lazy and irresponsible

Lazy- Unwilling to work or use energy, lack of effort or activity.

Irresposible- Lacking a sense of responsibility; unreliable or untrustworthy

I lead with these two definitions because both words fit the Democrat Party like a glove when considering their failure to address Medicare’s upcoming bankruptcy.

Democrats like President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are lazy because don’t wanna roll up their sleeves and fix the Medicare problem. The responsibility to fix it falls on them because they’re the elected leaders that administer Medicare.

They’d rather run their mouths and make videos of grandma being thrown over a cliff than to offer an alternative plan to fix Medicare. That makes them irresponsible

So when Lefty blogger and Amen corner thumper Steve Benen writes the following, is it really a surprise?:

“It’s exasperating, but it’s worth reemphasizing what too many establishment types simply refuse to understand: Democrats are telling the truth. Indeed, Dems are doing what the media is reluctant to do: offering an accurate assessment of the Republican plan for Medicare. If voters find the GOP proposal frightening, the problem is with the plan, not with Democrats’ rhetoric.

What Dems are doing is ringing an alarm — Republicans are up to something dangerous, and Democrats want people to know about it.

Full article here

Benen has the nerve to say that what the Democrats are doing isn’t demagoguery because they’re telling the truth. I’m sorry, but if the only thing the Democrats are offering is a bunch of…”those guys wanna take away your Medicare”…scare talk, its demagoguery 101.

And as NY 26.

The media is running with a false template, as usual, because the Democrats ran a fake Tea Party candidate to siphon votes away from the GOP candidate. Truth in reporting, anybody?


Haunting final picture of young mother Crystal Sweet taken just hours before she and boyfriend were shot dead

This is the unfortunate side of living in the projects in NYC where life can be snatched away for no good reason by a mysterious gunman. In the Sheepshead Bay section of Brooklyn a 5 year old little girl has to face life with a mom.


That’s for the NYPD to find out if people are willing to come forward.

Daily Mail

This is the haunting final photograph of a young mother who was gunned down in a triple shooting that left her boyfriend dead and his brother fighting for his life in hospital.

Crystal Sweet, 22, was believed to be pregnant with her second child when she was shot in the courtyard of a building in Brooklyn, New York, as she made her way home from an all-night party.

She had been photographed just hours before as she left for her night out on Saturday, looking happy and relaxed in an orange dress with a matching handbag.
Her boyfriend, 29-year-old Timothy Walter, who had spent time in prison and was in parole, was shot dead at point blank range during the attack, at about 5am on Sunday.

Miss Sweet, still wearing her beautiful dress, was shot three times in the head and neck. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

Mr Walter's elder brother, Cornelius, was also shot several times, and is in a critical condition in Kings County Hospital.

Miss Sweet had got all dressed up to go to a barbecue in Bedford-Stuyvesant with Cornelius earlier that evening, leaving her five-year-old daughter, Lydia, at home with her mother.

According to the Post the pair were met by Miss Sweet's boyfriend when they got off the bus at Sheepshead Bay, where she lived with her family.
Her mother, Josephine Rodriguez, 44, said she was sleeping inside the apartment when the gunshots woke
This is the haunting final photograph of a young mother who was gunned down in a triple shooting that left her boyfriend dead and his brother fighting for his life in hospital.

More here


As the title suggest I will be addressing the issue of protesting. I hope here to point out the flaws and boundaries that protesting has as well as the good effect it can have and why/how some protest are more effective than others. I doubt this post will have any major break throughs as most of what can be said about protesting has already been said, but I think it is important to bring this issue to light because the US masses seem to be split on rather protesting matters or is generally helpful in any way.

Regular readers of this blog know that I subjectively do not see protesting as a legit form of struggle. I will try to point out objective reasons for why most protest are a waste of time and why some are successful.

I would like to start with why some protest are successful. Hopefully I can point out at the same time why most protest are not successful. If we look back to the 2006 pro-immigrant rights protest we can see easily why they were a huge success.

  • they were on point
  • they were organized by the groups who's interest was being represented
  • they had national media coverage
  • they knew how to use the images that the media were showing to their advantage

1) They were on point: The reason for having these protest were two fold, one was to raise awareness to the issue. Second reason was to show that these immigrants wanted to be apart of the US not tear it apart like some conservative pundits had suggested. As anyone who paid attention would know, these protest were huge, getting half a million protesters in LA (1) and other cites getting large numbers as well (2) (look for protest numbers under the timeline in the article) These protest were not your average 30 issue protest that are thrown in LA and DC every year attracting 50,000 people. These protest were organized around one issue; immigration reform! One short, sweet message.

About the annual anti-war, pro-jobs, pro-education, pro-immigration, pro-Palestine, anti-imperialist, pro-universal healthcare etc etc etc march that attracts about 50,000 protesters and gets no coverage from the media? Lets be clear here, if you have 50,000 reasons and slogans for your protest it is not an accomplishment to get one person to show up for each cause. Let alone the fact that having "large" protest in one or two cities isn't going to get you media coverage. It isn't media censorship and it isn't that the media is ignoring you. The media wants new news, these protest have happened so many times, over and over and over again that the media has no reason to covers these annual played out protest. There is nothing new or exciting about them. But these immigration reform protest were different, they were nation wide and had one united cause. And another reason they were successful leads right into my next point.

2) They were organized by the groups who's interest was being represented: It is no secret to people who have been inside of the protesting organizing circles that only about 2-3 groups organize the average DC protest. What these groups tend to do (even if it is unintentional) is highjack the cause from the people who are actually in the struggle and try to 'lead the struggle'. But these protest were organized by the immigrant population for the immigrant community. The Spanish speaking radio stations took up the cause calling people into the streets. They were organic they were spontaneous they were exciting and they were not full of side-pet issues.

3) They had national media coverage: In order for a protest to be successful is for it to achieve something. Sure they are fun and it is cool to yell things but at the end of the day they need to accomplish something or else it was a waste of time and effort. These 2006 protest got the whole nation talking about immigration reform and they helped sway public opinion. How did they do this? They got coverage on the national news channels. The uniqueness of the protest happening during the heated debates that were taking place in DC over immigration reform created an event and atmosphere that the news stations couldn't stay away from. Thus the protesters were given a voice in the national debate as millions and millions of people watched millions of people marching all across the country.

4) They knew how to use the images that the media were showing to their advantage: Another reason why these protest were successful was because they paid attention to their image that was being shown to the nation. Spanish radio stations called for the protesters to leave their Mexican flags at home so as to not fuel xenophobic fear. It was a success! What the whole country saw wasn't a large number of immigrants carrying their respective nations flags, but instead they saw immigrants carrying American flags which spoke 'we are Americans to and we are proud to be in America'. No matter how the right wanted to screw these protest they couldn't use their covenanted "un-American" attack thus killing their voice and striking a winning blow for the protesters.

Now that we have discussed why some protest are successful and a little bit about why some are not I'd like to move on to why most protest are unsuccessful.

Most smaller protesting groups tend to have one pet issue (free mumia, police brutality, anti-imperialist etc). While the nation wide protesting organizations tend to try to take on all issues and have a tendency to take over peoples struggles. Sometimes a smaller group will set up a protest and ask a larger group to co-coordinate a protest with them and what will happen is that the original reason for the protest will be hijacked by everyone try to push their own pet issue. The news won't cover a story about an anti-war protest that has ten to twenty other side issues, it isn't news anymore it has been happening for over 30 years and it is boring.

There is always that group that discredits the integrity of the protest because instead of participating in it they are running around selling news papers or asking for donations or trying to recruit new people to their groups (so that they can donate regularly). Sometimes by the end of a protest you feel like you had been used, or that many small groups were using the protest to further their cause.

Another reason why a lot of protest fail is that they are not organized by the people who are suppose to be represented. I was even upset when I went to a pro-immigration rights march/protest and I saw maybe 5 immigrants. There was apparently about 10-15,000 people at this protest according to local news sources and it wasn't taken seriously because there were no immigrants at the protest. Not to mention it became awkward when the marchers started singing Christian songs (it was organized by a huge church who was having their international convention in our city)

I'm sick of people who say 'what else can we do' when I raise my critique of the chances of success in protesting something. What else can you do? Well you could organize along non-sectarian (I mean that you organize for revolution and not just for money and members, not that trots and stalinoids should unite necessarily) lines to grow revolutionary consciousness is one thing I can think of. You could stop wasting time and money on proven old and tried and failed tactics.

We should be weary of any socialist who is a pacifist and who thinks that protesting is going to somehow take down the system. These fakes are the ones who point to Egypt and claim that these protest took down the government and they claim that there was no violence, no looting, no riots, no destruction of police offices. Peaceful protest rarely accomplish anything, only in very rare instances does it have any effect at all. Even when they do accomplish anything they are usually accompanied with strikes, national actions etc.

The left really needs to reconsider their tactics and evaluate the effectiveness of their tactics. Useless, old, failure proven tactics are still being used and tried and true tactics are being cast aside. We all need to become theoretical contributes and come up with new tactics to help advance the slogan of communism.

(1) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11442705/ns/politics/t/immigration-issue-draws-thousands-streets/


U.S. Military Personnel, Veterans Give Obama Lower Marks

The younger more inexperienced people who don’t know about life i.e. paying taxes, paying the bills, and providing for a family are the ones who approval of Obama the most.

But, if one has been around the block and knows the complexities of life because they’re the responsible ones, disapproval of Obama.

Pretty simple math to understand.

Once again proving Obama's base is made up of the least informed people in the country.


Rep. Weiner grilled over lewd pic; More questions over Weinergate' Broadcast media ignores story

Here are some very interesting sections taken from NY Post article that raises more questions on Weinergate.

Full article here

“Cordova began following Weiner on Twitter during the time his own tweets previously placed him in Seattle, and according to her statement, he began "following" her on the site, too”

“Cordova did admit she once sent a tweet referring to "my boyfriend @Rep-Weiner," but insisted she never was his "wife, girlfriend or mistress,"

“Some DC wonks were skeptical of Weiner's hacking story and questioned the lack of a police report about a crime as serious as Internet identity theft, a Washington insider said.”

I got some questions for Weiner.

Why didn’t Weiner report the hack to the police?

Why would a college student from Seattle care about a congressman from New York unless there was some sort of connection between them?

What was Weiner doing in Seattle? Let’s see his itinerary while he was there? Where was Ms. Cordova at the time?

Why isn’t the broadcast media covering this story they way the covered other New York congressman caught in a sex scandal? Oh, wait a minute…Weiner is a Democrat.

There are still plenty of unanswered questions. Will the Leftwing media bother to cover the cover-up?


Hertz To Buy Dollar Thrifty

Hertz to Buy Dollar Thrifty
Hertz to Buy Dollar Thrifty

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Student who got lewd pic from Rep. Anthony Weiner's Twitter account denies she's his mistress

Hacked my left foot!

Sorry Weiner, I’m not believing the story the more I think about it. It just doesn’t hang right. I think Mr. Weiner got caught with his Winnie down playing Tweet sex with sexy coed.

Let’s be real here. He’s living up to his name, ain’t he?

New York Daily News

A college student who received an obscene photo from Rep. Anthony Weiner's Twitter account says she's never met the married Queens politico - and backed his contention they're both victims of online pranksters.

"I have never met Congressman Weiner, though I am a fan," Gennette Cordova, 21, of Seattle, Wash., told The Daily News Sunday in an interview. "I've never been to New York or to DC."

She also issued a lengthy statement, complaining about how she's been characterized on blogs and other web sites.

"I have seen myself labeled as the 'Femme Fatale of Weinergate,' 'Anthony Weiner's 21-year-old coed mistress' and 'the self-proclaimed girlfriend of Anthony Weiner.' ... All of this is so outlandish that I don't know whether to be pissed off or amused, quite frankly," she wrote.

The online drama began Friday when a lewd photo appeared in Weiner's Twitter stream addressed to Cordova but visible to all 40,000 of his Twitter followers.

The photo was a crotch shot of a man in form-fitting briefs that left little to the imagination.

It was quickly deleted and Weiner, who was in the middle of Twittering about hockey, said he'd been hacked.

"More Weiner Jokes for all my guests," he Tweeted.

More here

You now indoors Weiner is probably getting his ass kicked by his wife. See wifey


Statement from Gennette Cordova, student who was sent lewd Twitter photo from Rep. Weiner's account

Friday evening I logged onto Twitter to find that I had about a dozen new mentions in less than an hour, which is a rare occurrence. When I checked one of the posts that I had been tagged in I saw that it was a picture that had supposedly been tweeted to me by Congressman Anthony Weiner.

More here


Mediaite plays false-George Will: Everyone Knows Sarah Palin Should Not Be Trusted With Nuclear Weapons

George Will is keeping his intelligentsia card.

This screaming by Midiaite is very misleading as you’ll see in the below video. George Will doesn’t come close to saying what the headlines says, but does give an inference to it.

However, how Will feels about Palin has more to do with the so-called conservative intelligentsia like Will, David Brooks and others wanting to keep their “intelligentsia card” by trashing Palin.

The media has set the template that one cannot be a member of the intelligentsia and like Sarah Palin at the same time.

Thus anything these guys have to say about Palin has no value to the general public. They’ve become a bunch of “me too” sounding boards for the media and The Left.

I’ve seen this kind of thing before because the conservative intelligentsia also hated Ronald Reagan. That puts Sarah Palin in very good standing indeed!


Mother's Day

Our day was spent with Stevens family in Orangeburg, only after his mom came to Columbia (well Lexington) to attend church with us in our new building for Radius. It was great to have her there!

For Mother's Day, we bought a new post and mailbox for his mom. Steven and Michael even went over and put it up for her that same day. The grandkids gave her a beautiful flower to plant at the bottom as well. Doesn't it look nice? Well apparently someone else was jealous so they knocked the whole thing down two weeks later, what a bummer! So back to Orangeburg again went Steven to fix it for his mom. Here are some other family pictures from the day.

Obama sits in front row and chews gum during the sermon at the Joplin Memorial Service.

Chewing gum in church? That’s very distrustful.

Video (h/t) Gateway Pundit

Would Obama chew gun in a mosque?

Let’s look at the video evidence

You see how solemn and respectful Obama looks, hands folded the whole time? I didn’t see him chew once. But, a memorial service he chews away. Fake Christian.


Palin Appearance at 'Rolling Thunder' Feeds Election Speculation Fury

The media is still speculating on what Sarah is going to do.....


Keep them guessing, Sarah!

Don’t believe the hype. The Left knows Palin could beat the community organizer if she runs

Shakespeare once wrote, “Thou protest too much!”

And so is the case with Liberals who routinely mock Palin as being stupid and not much of a commodity. However, their actions giveaway their true feelings of fear because they know she represents everything they hate-traditional values, common sense, and liberty.

The Left is a collection of misfits and freaks. You name the aberrant behavior and there’s a 100% certainty that they would find a home on the Left. If men or woman wanted to marry goats and have sex with 5 year old children, it would be the Left who’d be Johnny on the spot to defend it and call it xxx-empowerment or a civil right issue.

This is who these people are, and they’ll do or say most anything to corvine the world they’re the mainstream.

It ain’t so!

The Last Tradition passes 400,000 viisitors mark!


Wedding Hairstyles For Short Hair | Wedding Hairstyles For Short Hair 2011

For the wedding day the bride is sure to want to go as smoothly as possible. And it's so important to the day when the hairstyle that matches both the dress and style of the wedding itself. So choose the right style will make a big difference to the bride on her wedding day.

One thing that makes a hair style stand out is the way the hair shine. We recommend using a good hair conditioner before you ever start styling. Then later, you can use a shining serum or spray to add some shine too.

Not every bride has her hair long for many women, short hair is so beautiful and sophisticated as well, and can also be very bride and long hair. You can add an attachment like a crown or comb or even a flower, which really can make the hair style look even more beautiful.

You can add a charming touch with some fresh flowers that show a little romantic look very feminine with short hair. You can attach right to the veil or other good idea you can put around the head too.

Wedding Hairstyles | Wedding Hairstyles For Long Hair

One of the major trends in wedding hair right now is asymmetry. This is consistent with the current obsession with wedding dresses asymmetric, as the glamorous style shoulder. Like the one-shoulder dress, the most beautiful off-site wedding hairstyles are chic and elegant. It has to be polished enough to show that the hair is intentionally left center, a dirty 'not only looked like you put together in a hurry and out of your bun or twist!

low spins are some of the most fabulous wedding hairstyles for long hair asymmetric this year. Ask your stylist to meet all of your hair near the nape of her neck. Let be pulled back smooth and orderly, allowing you to laugh at the turn without getting messy in general appearance. The collection section of hair at the nape of the neck can be arranged in a loose bun or a spiral twisted more polished smooth. Complete the effect with a headdress of feathers or a group of glamorous Swarovski crystal hairpins.

A ponytail can serve as the basis for several other stylish hairstyles for long hair. A high ponytail wrapped in a piece of your hair is going to find a style that may seem surprising polished and elegant. Somehow, in the hands of a professional, a ponytail wedding will be nothing like the casual horse to pull together in the gym.

Comfortable Wedding Shoes | Comfortable Wedding Shoes Ivory

Why is there wedding shoes for many that are designed to look good in wedding photos, but can be terribly uncomfortable on the ground in real life? When you are preparing everything to do with what you are going to use for your wedding, usually enough hands to worry about, without incurring any additional concern of how to deal with sore feet in the day. No matter how perfect everything is working, sore feet can make a bride happy otherwise completely oblivious to everything around him. Wedding shoes, a consideration as trivial as it seems, are not insignificant. If there is something that should be the first thing to pay attention to planning their wedding attire.

As easy as it is to simply say that you need to get comfortable shoes wedding for the bride, how hard is that you leave exactly? Girlfriends feel the need on your special day usually to wear shoes that really count. If they can carry out 3-inch heels are in the top list. They do seem high and regal feel. Now the bride has to realize that she does not have much time to practice your wedding shoes before the big day comes around. Not only will be too busy to find time practicing walking back and forth on the heels of 3 inches. The use of the heels on the big day may be fine if you have experienced impossible daily high heels.

Wedding Dresses 2011 | Wedding Dresses 2011 Summer

Vera spent more than 15 years at Vogue magazine and has worked as Senior Fashion Director. Thereafter, he worked as design director for Ralph Lauren. When she was getting married, she could not find a wedding dress that is different from others. At that time, wedding dresses no sense of class and elegance. She decided to start their own business by providing bridal gown.

Every bride-to-be who bought a wedding dress Wang wants nothing more than fine fabrics and sophisticated details such as pick-up, sashes and decorations. A bride wearing a Vera Wang wedding dress is not at risk of being tacky.

You can buy a dress from Vera Wang Bridal discount. It all depends on how you define the word "discount." Of course, you could not get one for only $ 200. After all, Vera Wang wedding dresses cost a lot. Many bridal shops offer a discount for wedding line last year. In addition, there are many websites that sell pre-loved wedding dresses. It is easier to find Wang for sale.

As we all know, never sells designer dress cheap. Wang regular online bridal ranges from about $ 4,000 to over $ 25.000. If you want to go for Wang wedding dress, just head to Madison Avenue bridal shop. You can also find your favorite wedding dress in some luxury stores like Saks Fifth Avenue or Barney. A lot of bridal shops dresses by Vera Wang provide girlfriend too. Why not make a call to check if available in your local bridal salon? Online Last but not least, search and you are sure to meet with a surprise or DressesShop eBay.

Wedding Shoes | Discount Wedding Shoes

If you are on a budget for your wedding, consider searching for discount shoes ivory wedding. wedding shoes is one of the best places to find cheaper alternatives, because this issue is not as prominent as her wedding dress. To find a discount wedding dress is also an option, however, is a quest that is more expensive. For wedding shoes, the search for cheaper alternatives and discount is sometimes easy. The key is in its look at the offseason and use various tricks.

First, do not be afraid to visit many of the discount stores. Many shoe stores will have shoes off last season on sale at half price or less. Because wedding shoes does not change frequently, will be fine for you to buy something that came out last year. The only problem is the size. If you are a very popular or common, such as the size of a size 7, you may have more difficulty finding shoes off because the sizes have been sold. However, do not be afraid to look in discount stores for bridal shoes.

Wedding Dresses | Wedding Dresses 2011

Maybe you've been waiting for this day for years or you've caught off guard, however, wedding dresses 2011 years of purchase is underway and will be a bride. modern fashion has taken some wild turns this season, but managed to maintain an elegant and classic. Here are the latest trends for 2011 wedding dresses:

The 1920

This season, many designers are drawing inspiration from the "Roaring Twenties." This look is characterized by decreased waist, art deco designs, and the flapper style veil. 2011 wedding dresses raging trend of 20 styles are very flattering on tall, slender bridal.


The last thing most women think of when they think of a wedding dress is the term: sporty, but for wedding dresses gowns 2011-go sports. This style is characterized by simple edges, clean, with lots of draping. This style is very elegant brides with an athletic body and those who want to show your collarbone.

The deep V

The V-neck is back and in full force this season. The tissue often complement this style of wedding dress is smooth and fluid. This look is very romantic and elegant as waves with movement. Many different types of women can perform this style. The deep V is also modeled in a variety of different shades.

Glamour to the Max

Another wedding dress style 2011 - Old Hollywood glamor is being pushed to the max. Think up and large arches draped asymmetrical. This aspect is stunning in a full-figured bride. This style can be belt, ruffled, and even a bra. If you have assets in the top, then this style might be the thing for you.

DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Has No Clue That ‘Undocumented’ Immigrants Being In Our Country is Currently A Crime and Attacks GOP For Trying To Act Lik

(h/t) The Blaze

Rep. Anthony Weiner Undies in a twist over 'Weiner wiener'

Twitter pic a hack job, he says

Anthony Weiner is basically useless. Given that fact, he may become mayor of New York one day. After all, the genius Democrats in NYS did send Hillary to the senate.

Do you really believe Weiner was hacked?

New York Post

Call it Weiner-gate.

Twitter followers of Rep. Anthony Weiner were shocked when a lewd photo popped up on his official account late Friday night. The photo of a bulging male member cloaked in gray briefs was directed to a single Twitter user -- but on view to all 45,000 of his followers.

The wiener shot was the work of an unknown wag -- a computer hacker who gained access to the pol's passwords, his spokesman told The Post.

"Anthony's accounts on both Facebook and Twitter were hacked," said spokesman Dave Arnold.

The photo does not belong to the Democrat and wasn't taken by him, Arnold added. The lascivious link was sent to a female follower, a college student in the Pacific Northwest.

The tech-savvy congressman saw the picture almost immediately. He had been tweeting about a hockey game just a few minutes earlier. Weiner pulled the shot himself, but not before it had been retweeted and screen-grabbed by several followers.

Weiner, a voracious user of Twitter, wrote a humorous response about 15 minutes later.
"Tivo shot. FB hacked. Is my blender gonna attack me next?" he joked, ending the tweet with the hashtag "#TheToasterIsVeryLoyal."

Last night, Weiner jokingly tweeted, "Touche Prof Moriarity. More Weiner Jokes for all my guests!"

The woman who got the crotch shot has no ties to Weiner and isn't known to be part of his staff, Arnold said. But she took her Twitter and Facebook pages down a few hours later, after her name and a possible picture began to circulate on blogs.

Weiner, who represents parts of Queens and Brooklyn, got a message about a week ago from Facebook alerting him that his password might have been tampered with, Arnold said. But the warning was ignored, granting the hacker carte blanche to hijack Weiner's online identity.

More here

Weiner finally confesses here


Enterprise Rent-a-Car Foundation Invests In Central Texas With A Gift To United Way Capital Area

Enterprise Rent-a-Car Foundation Invests in Central Texas with a gift to United Way Capital Area
Enterprise Rent-a-Car Foundation Invests in Central Texas with a gift to United Way Capital Area

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Al-Qaida declares Yemen's southern city as capital of its "Islamic Emirate": residents

With the killing of Osamabin Laden, Al-Qaida is going to step up their game. So for you Liberals out there that was touting bin Laden’s death as the end of the War on Terror, think again.

Xinhua News Agency

The Yemen-based al-Qaida wing on Saturday declared the provincial capital city of southern Abyan province as the capital city of its "Islamic Emirate" in a statement the group read in front of local residents.

The al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has almost taken over all parts of Abyan province after it seized the province capital city of Zinjibar on Friday, according to the residents.

A local government official told Xinhua that the "fighters of AQAP took over the whole city of Zinjibar on Friday and on Saturday the group seized 30 police cars after two police camps surrendered to AQAP."

"They (AQAP) transported the 30 police cars to the neighbor city of Jaar, which is believed to be the stronghold of the group, " he added, requesting anonymity.

Meanwhile, a doctor of al-Razi Hospital in Jaar told Xinhua that the death toll among al-Qaida militants from the Friday's clashes with government forces rose to four as dozens of the militants were still suffering serious injuries.

Residents from several cities of Abyan said blackouts have hit the majority part of the province since earlier Friday.

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Weinergate: Congressman Claims ‘Facebook Hacked’ as Lewd Photo Hits Twitter —

Weiner comes clean here

Looks like congressman Weiner got some ‘splaining to do.

The Other McCain

New York Democrat Rep. Anthony Weiner allegedly sent an alleged photo of his alleged penis to an alleged woman via Twitter. The photo shows a man in gray undershorts with a bulging erection. Weiner is claiming he was the victim of Internet hackers, and I think we should believe him.

This is one of Weiner’s greatest hits.

(h/t) Big Government.com


Unimpressed By Palin’s Bus Tour, Pawlenty Goes After Obama: ‘Any Doofus Can Go To Washington’

Yesterday, I spanked Pawlenty pretty good and referred to him as “yawn material”. But, today he’s showing a little plain speaking spunk. I don’t know how far this is going to carry him. But, it’s a good thing to see.


After rolling out his campaign infrastructure with an elaborate video and a gaffe or two, Tim Pawlenty is going negative, mildly, and with polls showing almost anyone but Pawlenty is a viable Republican candidate, it may not be a terrible idea. Pawlenty ended the week attacking President Obama for his European trip on Twitter and even turning on potential candidate Sarah Palin.

Following up on the cattiest tweet in the Presidential campaign so far (“sorry to interrupt the European pub crawl, but what was your Medicare plan?”), Pawlenty visited CNN’s American Morning to elaborate on his campaign issues and react to his current poll numbers. He appeared happy that, despite the fact that “half the nation’s Republicans don’t know who I am,” he was still a viable candidate in the running, as early polls are “name ID more than anything.” If the polls were reliable, he joked, “Rudy Giuliani and Howard Dean would be presidents.”

With that in mind, asked if Palin’s weekend bus tour was worrisome to him, he seemed militantly unfazed: “This country isn’t going to be about rallies or you know bus tours or anything else,” Pawlenty said. “This is going to be about a country that is sinking in debt and deficit. We want to have a leader who has actually tackled those issues and doesn’t just talk about it.” He also noted that, while the current “exploratory” phases of other campaigns that may pop up are necessary, “soon we have to have a debate on the issues.”

“Any doofus can go to Washington and maintain the status quo and that’s what we’ve got in the White House and in Congress in terms of their attitude about their willingness to tackle these issues,” Pawlenty said. “If we’re not going to have leaders who are going to say that and do it and tell the American people, look them in the eye … then we’re all wasting our time.”

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UK Comedy: British Justice Secretary snoozes while Obama gives speech

Yes, the magic or messianic power once processed by President Obama seems to have faded with time and familiarity. Now, he’s just another guy giving a boring speech.

Hot Air

But there is, as the saying goes, no accounting for taste. Some folks just can’t seem to keep their eyelids propped open for the West Wing Comedy Tour, no matter how golden the material.

That guys shouldn’t feel bad. Obama puts me to sleep all the time.

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