Friday, October 7, 2011

Beautiful Wallpaper 2011 
Beautiful Wallpaper 2011 

 Beautiful Wallpaper 2011 
Beautiful Wallpaper 2011 
Beautiful Wallpaper 2011 
Beautiful Wallpaper 2011 
Beautiful Wallpaper 2011

Broadway Show Was Very Far

Broadway show was very far
Broadway show was very far

Herman Cain says OWS protestors are picketing the wrong place-Try the White House

Herman Cain is continuing to surge in the polls. And he’s the only candidate with the courage to properly define this Barack Obama “community organizing” effort.

Make no mistake. The president and the Democrats have their fingerprints all over this carefully orchestrated protest of these young socialists.

The Atlantic Online

On Hugh Hewitt's radio show Wednesday, former CEO Herman Cain offered more criticism of the Occupy Wall Street protestors, saying that it almost makes him angry to see their street rallies.

"Blaming Wall Street and blaming big banks, and blaming those that have succeeded in America under our free market system is never going to make you happy, and it's never going to make you rich," he said. "If you really want to do something to create jobs in this country, why don't you go and picket the White House. That's why where we have failed economic policies. That's where we have policies that have kept unemployment up over 9 percent. You're picketing the wrong source. It's not those that have produced in this country. It's the failed policies of this administration."

Again, Cain hits the nail on the head!


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Video: Aspiring Polish politician Katarzyna Lenart, Re-Creates 'Basic Instinct' In Sexy Ad for her campaign

I hear Nancy Pelosi is shooting her version for her upcoming re-election campaign.

The Huffington Post

We've seen some sexy campaign ads (thanks Conan!), but Katarzyna Lenart's "Basic Instinct" ad takes the cake. And it's not a parody.
 Politico's Ben Smith brought our attention to this ad from the 23-year-old, a Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) candidate in Poland's parliamentary election this weekend. According to, the slogan at the end reads: "You want more? Vote for SLD. Only we can do more."

The slogan channels the Civic Platform's slogan, "We'll do more," Politico's Smith reports. The Civic Platform (PO) is the country's ruling party.

More here

Maybe Hillary Clinton should’ve tried this tactic to bump off Barack Obama for the nomination?

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Yankees Loose, Yankees Loose thaaaa Yankees Loose: Detroit wins 3-2

Oh too bad for the New York Yankees. After finishing with the best record in the American League, they get bounced by the Detroit Tigers in 5 games.

At least Mets fans don’t have to deal with obnoxious Yankees fans anymore for the rest of the year.

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Harry Reid changes Senate rules to keep Democrats from voting on Obama’s Jobs bill (aka Tax bill)

If there’s a lesson GOPers should learn on Capitol Hill, is that Democrats are ruthless and duplicitous.

Not only do they not want a vote on Obama’s bogus 487 billion dollar Jobs bill, but they’ll feign outrage at Republicans for being obstructionists when it’s the other way around.

Of course the dutiful mainstream media won’t bother noting the hypocrisy. They’ll be too busy shinning Obama’s boots.

Campaign 2012

In a stunning turn of events this evening, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., used an arcane legislative maneuver to effectively rewrite Senate rules to make it harder for the minority party to force uncomfortable votes on the majority.

The buildup to this point started on Tuesday, when Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., tried to force a vote on President Obama's jobs bill as well as other Republican priorities by offering them as amendments to the China currency bill. Reid blocked the move.

Tonight, McConnell made what's called a "motion to suspend the rules," to allow a vote on the amendments. Such motions are almost always defeated, because they require a two-thirds majority to pass. But they're another way for the minority party to force uncomfortable votes. Even though the minority party doesn't get a direct vote on the amendment, how somebody votes on the motion becomes a sort of proxy for such a vote. In this case, for instance, if Democrats had voted down a motion for a vote on Obama's jobs bill, it would have put them in an awkward spot.

Though it's been the standing practice of the Senate to allow such motions by the minority, tonight Reid broke with precedent and ruled McConnell's motion out of order, and was ultimately backed up by Democrats.

So, the end result is that by a simple majority vote, Reid was able to effectively rewrite Senate rules making it even harder than it already is for the minority party to force votes on any amendments. Should Republicans retake the Senate next year, it's something that could come back to haunt Democrats in a major way.

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Democrats may rue this day when Senate control reverts back to Republicans in 2012


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Got away with Murder: Barbara Sheehan a Queens woman found not guilty of murdering her ex-cop husband

New York has officially become a Looney Bin!

If you thought the Casey Anthony verdict was bad, this is 10 times worse. Barbara Sheehan claimed she was abused by her husband for nearly 20 years. She had that much time to grab the kids and leave, but she didn’t.

Then one day while he’s doing the threatening act of shaving his face, she decides to shoot him down, using two different guns and 11 bullets.

New York Post

The Queens woman accused of killing her allegedly abusive husband was found not guilty today of murder after a jury believed her claim that she acted in self-defense for shooting him 11 times using two guns.

“There is no joy today,” said defense lawyer Michael Dowd, who stood outside the courthouse with Sheehan. “The only thing that can bring joy to this family would be to bring them back 17 years before the first blow was struck."

The verdict came a day after deadlocked jurors asked for a readback of dramatic testimony detailing her version of events of the Feb. 18, 2008, incident.

Sheehan maintained that she shot her 49-year-old ex-cop husband, Raymond, with a .38-caliber revolver after he pointed a 9mm Glock at her and threatened to kill her as she tried to flee their Howard Beach home.

Sheehan, 50, who'd taken the stand in her own defense during the trial, added that she then picked up the 9mm-Glock and finished him off as the retired cop reached for the gun and continued to make threats.

Raymond's twin brother Vincent Sheehan called it a "bad" verdict.

"I think the truth is what makes you rest in peace, not what 12 citizens say about it," he said. "I think the verdict was bad, but this is the system and you have to live with it. The facts and the true evidence did not reflect the verdict. People make decisions on emotions."

The jury also found Sheehan not guilty of criminal possession of a weapon for using the revolver.

More here

Husbands walk lightly because it’s open season on you. All a wife has to do is claim abuse and take you out any time she feels the urge. How is this justice?

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GOP Solyndra probe wants Obama's BlackBerry messages

I remember Obama made a fuss about keeping his Blackberry that he’s addicted to. Maybe he might regret keeping it?


The GOP's demand for all White House communications on Solyndra covers President Barack Obama's personal BlackBerry messages too, Rep. Cliff Stearns said Thursday.

The Florida Republican said he made the precedent-setting request to White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler on Wednesday after newly released emails showed that warning flags about the California solar company’s shaky finances had reached into the president’s inner circle, including senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.

"We asked for all communications between the president, the White House and Solyndra,” Stearns said. “So if there's nothing on his BlackBerry, that's fine. But if there's something on his BlackBerry, I would assume that would include that.

"I don't know how that technically works," Stearns added of his unusual request. "But we've asked for them, so we're hopeful we'll get some response."

Obama fought his lawyers early in his term to become the first president to use a BlackBerry. He's said he uses it to keep in touch with a small circle of people — and so far, there has been no successful attempt to make any of the messages public.

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After Solyndra gets a half billion dollar loan that taxpayers have to pay back: Did the conversation go like this?

Solyndra exec: Yes Mr. President
Obama: I expect the money back soon so I can help out my friends at SEIU and the New Black Panther Party


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Robbie Guevara Directs RENT,

Robbie Guevara directs RENT,
Robbie Guevara directs RENT,

Media hasn’t noticed lack of minorities at OWS protests…

…I’m sure it must be an oversight not to mention it. Aside from the tattoos, breath reeking of weed, blue and green hair, sleeping bag lint on their clothes, lack of a job, hatred of other’s success in life, and trouble making a coherent sentence, they’re as White as the Tea Party.

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Is CBS News Silencing Fast and Furious Reporter-2 law enforcement agents deaths?

Why is CBS obstructing the truth in journalism? Do they feel an obligation to shield President Obama away from scandal because they helped get him elected?

The Weekly Standard is wondering too.

Weekly Standard

Yesterday, CBS News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson told radio show host Laura Ingraham that the White House yelled and swore at her over her reporting on the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal tied to the deaths of two U.S. law enforcement agents. Attkisson also revealed that she'd also been yelled at by the Justice Department.

Today, I called CBS News in an attempt to interview Attkisson. I was told by CBS News senior vice president of communications Sonya McNair that Attkisson would be unavailable for interviews all week. When I asked why Attkisson would be unavailable, McNair would not say.
I've also heard from a producer at another media outlet that has previously booked Attkisson that they tried to book her since she made news with the Laura Ingraham interview yesterday. They were also told that she would be unavailable.

More here

It looks like CBS who once tried to use forged documents to bring down George W. Bush, is doing it they can to protect President Obama.

Is the press free, or is it enslaved by Liberal idealogy?


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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Herman Cain On Occupy Wall Street: ‘If You Don’t Have A Job And You’re Not Rich, Blame Yourself!’

If you ask ten of these protestors why are they there, you would get ten different answers. It’s a joke and the media is really hyping it up much more than it really is. I work 4 blocks away and the people that work in the area just ignore the park and go on about their business.

ABC News

A pair of Republican presidential candidates had some harsh words for the protesters who've been hectoring Wall Street for the past three weeks: Cut out the "class warfare" and "blame yourself" for being poor and jobless.

Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said the demonstrators are coming across as "anti-capitalism." The former CEO of Godfather's Pizza said the Occupy Wall Street protesters are trying to distract the country from President Obama's "failed policies."

"Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks, if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself!" Cain said. "It is not a person's fault because they succeeded, it is a person's fault if they failed. And so this is why I don't understand these demonstrations and what is it that they're looking for."

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Video (h/t) Think Progress

Herman Cain just smacked it out the park! He expressed exactly what an overwhelming majority of Americans feel about the Occupy Wall Street protestors.

Let’s face it, these protestors are collection of communists, Democrats, potheads, and other kinds of socialist-minded freaks that expect everything be given to them by the government after they take it away from somebody else. I’ve never seen so much hate-filled envy of others in my life.


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Apple founder Steve Jobs dead at 56

I never met a person who switched from PC to an IMac that didn’t love the switch. I don’t personally own an Apple product, but my next computer will be an Apple IMac.

LA Times

Steven P. Jobs, the charismatic technology pioneer who co-founded Apple Inc. and transformed one industry after another, from computers and smartphones to music and movies, has died. He was 56.

Apple announced the death of Jobs — whose legacy included the Apple II, Macintosh, iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad.

"We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today," Apple said. "Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve."

More here


Silicon Valley legend Steve Jobs on Wednesday resigned as chief executive of Apple Inc in a stunning move at the technology giant he co-founded in a garage.

The 55-year-old Apple co-founder and pancreatic cancer survivor has been on medical leave for an undisclosed condition since January 17.

Apple said Steve Jobs has been elected chairman and Tim Cook has been elected CEO.

Title says it all. More to come. For now, the letter from Steve Jobs himself:
To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:

I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.

I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.
As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.

I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.

I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.


House GOPers want Special Prosecutor to investigate Attorney General over Fast and Furious scandal


A bomb just went off in the West Wing of the Obama White House. This is a huge development in an already failing presidency.

I wonder if the mainstream media will report it. Chris Matthews must be crying in bed in the fetal position.

Fox News

House Republicans are calling for a special counsel to determine whether Attorney General Eric Holder misled Congress during his testimony to the House Judiciary Committee on Operation Fast and Furious, Fox News has learned.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, was sending a letter to President Obama on Tuesday arguing that Holder cannot investigate himself, and requesting the president instruct the Department of Justice to appoint a special counsel.

See here

Reports are their cracking under the strain in the White House.


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Samuel L. Jackson agrees with Morgan Freeman that Tea Party is racist.

I’ve enjoyed Jackson’s work in films like Jackie Brown and Pulp Fiction. But like Morgan Freeman, Jackson is fulfilling the role Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton usually play. The Tea Party has to be racist in order for African Americans to continue voting Democrat.

It’s as simple as that!

That’s the template the Democrat Party has set going back since the Tea Party sprung up nationwide two years ago. It’s a form of mind control that seems to work with some Balck people. Can you say “brainwash”?

Hot Air

No matter how poorly the economy performs, no matter how many scandals surround the administration, no matter how weakly the president’s jobs plan is received by legislators and the public, Samuel L. Jackson can see no reason why the Tea Party might oppose Barack Obama’s reelection other than race. From an interview with New York Magazine:

While we were on the subject, we asked Jackson if he agreed with fellow thespian Morgan Freeman, who caused something of a ruckus recently after he claimed that the tea party is racist. “It’s pretty obvious what they are,” Jackson told us. “The division of the country is not about the government having too much power. I think everything right now is geared toward getting that guy out of office, whatever that means,” he said, echoing Freeman. “It’s not politics. It is not economics. It all boils down to pretty much to race. It is a shame.”

More here

The game is the same. Republicans are racists, I love you, vote Democrat.


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Broadway Musical RENT

Broadway Musical RENT
Broadway Musical RENT

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Surging Cain catches Romney: CBS Poll

If there’s one thing the election of Barack Obama proved, is that the American people are willing to try something new in the White House.

Herman Cain, the businessman from Atlanta, who has never served in elected office, is looking mighty attractive to Republicans. He’s taking off like a rocket ship to the moon and there’s no telling how far he’ll go.

But, one thing is certain. He’s a serious candidate for the GOP nod for president. It’s not up for debate anymore.

CBS News

Herman Cain has moved into a tie with Mitt Romney atop the field of Republican presidential candidates, according to a new CBS News poll, while Rick Perry has fallen 11 percentage points in just two weeks.

The poll shows Cain, who stood at just five percent support two weeks ago, now holding 17 percent support among Republican primary voters. That puts the former Godfather's Pizza CEO into a tie with Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, whose support has essentially held steady over the past two weeks.

More here

Cain has definitely got momentum. Let’s see how much longer it will be before the mainstream media mounts a search and destroy mission against Cain.


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Adrian Beltre hits 3 homers as Rangers eliminate Rays

I thought Tampa was gonna do something special this year.

But, Texas has unfinished business since losing the Series last year to the San Francisco Giants.

CBS News

The Texas Rangers are headed back to the AL championship series, thanks to a power surge by Adrian Beltre that few players in major league history have matched.

Beltre hit three straight home runs and the defending AL champions advanced again, beating the Tampa Bay Rays 4-3 in Game 4 Tuesday to win their playoff matchup.

Texas ended the Rays' remarkable run to the AL wild-card spot, and will play for the pennant against the winner of the Detroit Tigers-New York Yankees series.

Beltre became just the sixth player to homer three times in a postseason game, and the first since Adam Kennedy of the Angels in 2002. Reggie Jackson and George Brett also are on the list. Babe Ruth accomplished the feat twice.

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That’s quite a performance and Beltre joins a very select list. When you’re in a zone like that, the ball must’ve looked as big as a basketball.

The Last Tradition is fast becoming one of the most popular political blogs on the net. Don’t miss out on the fun and tell a friend.

In 2007 candidate Obama shared a stage with and marched with New Black Panther party head Malik Zulu Shabazz and the media purposely ignored it

The reason Barack Obama was elected president was because the mainstream media shielded him from the kind of vetting any other candidate would receive running for president. As a result, they helped pull off the biggest fraud in the history of American politics.

And the deception continues to this day.

Big Government

New photographs obtained exclusively by reveal that Barack Obama appeared and marched with members of the New Black Panther Party as he campaigned for president in Selma, Alabama in March 2007.

The photographs, captured from a Flickr photo-sharing account before it was scrubbed, are the latest evidence of the mainstream media’s failure to examine Obama’s extremist ties and radical roots.

In addition, the new images raise questions about the possible motives of the Obama administration in its infamous decision to drop the prosecution of the Panthers for voter intimidation.

The images, presented below, also renew doubts about the transparency of the White House’s guest logs–in particular, whether Panther National Chief Malik Zulu Shabazz is the same “Malik Shabazz” listed among the Obama administration’s early visitors.

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CBS, ABC, and NBC have never asked Obama about his radical associations. But they sure have loads of time looking at painted rocks in Texas

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Attorney General Eric Holder may have committed perjury over Fast and Furious-He knew everything about it

When they start talking about appointing a special prosecutor, it’s a sure sign that a big headache is coming for the Obama regime.

Daily Caller

Utah Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz told The Daily Caller on Tuesday that he believes Attorney General Eric Holder misled him and the rest of the House judiciary committee during his May 3 testimony. Chaffetz questions how honest Holder has been throughout congressional inquiries into Operation Fast and Furious. And now the House Judiciary Committee chairman has called for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate.

The scandal broke new ground this week, as new documents surfaced late Monday showing Holder was informed about Operation Fast and Furious, and at least some details of the scandal, as early as July 2010 — and at least once more on November 1, 2010.

During a May 3 hearing, Holder told House oversight committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, who also sits on the judiciary committee, that he had only learned of Fast and Furious very recently. Holder said he was “not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious over the last few weeks.”

Asked about the conflicting timeline that is beginning to emerge, Chaffetz said Tuesday of the Justice Department: “They have documents they’ve failed to provide, and I think the Attorney General was less than candid at that hearing.”

“The Attorney General and the President of the United States are ultimately responsible,” Chaffetz continued. “And the president was talking about [Fast and Furious] back in March. This was a major investigation involving thousands of guns. This wasn’t a minor investigation buried in the bowels of the Department of Justice.”

In statements this week to Fox News and CBS, officials at Justice claimed Holder misunderstood Issa’s questions during the May 3 hearing.

More here

Yeah right. Tell me another one, Eric!

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Obama other kids: Occupy Wall Street Protestors

If you want to know what American would look like if President Obama had the power to snap his fingers and change the country into his vision of what America oughtta be, look no further than the Occupy Wall Street Protestors.

These young people are his spiritual children. They hate corporations, capitalism, big oil, and prefer everyone live under Socialism. They’re collectivism incarnate where everyone lives the same life where all needs are provided for by mother government after she take the money away from the rich.

It’s a world of no worries or fears, just gray and drab existence because equal is good and exceptionalism is frowned upon. This is Obama’s dreary world!

Do you like the way it looks?


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Cain just 4 points behind Romney in Fla Poll

Herman Cain is catching fire!

Voters are letting the media know that Herman Cain is not a flash in the pan.

His message is resonating because he’s got what it takes to be president.

He knows how to fix what’s broken.

St. Petersburg Times

Debates matter. So did Florida’s straw poll. Just ask two guys: Herman Cain and Rick Perry.

Cain is now running in second place in Florida now that his support surged nearly 19 percentage points after last month’s Republican Party of Florida’s Presidency 5 debate and straw poll, according to a survey of likely Florida voters conducted by Gainesville-based War Room Logistics, which typically polls for Republicans.

Meantime, Perry’s support plummeted nearly 16 percentage points.

Perry had been tied as a Florida frontrunner with Mitt Romney at about 25 percent on Sept. 20, dropped to third/fourth place with 9 percent of the vote where he’s statistically tied with Newt Gingrich (10 percent).
Romney’s support grew a modest 3 percentage points, to 28 percent.

Romney also remains the best general-election candidate against President Obama, according to the poll. Romney trails him 42-48 – the smallest margin. Against all the other Republican candidates, Obama cracks the magic 50 percent threshold.

More here

It’s time to raise some Cain again!


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Majority of Americans expect Obama to be one-term president. He’s outta there!

Just 37% of Americans expect Obama to be re-elected. These must be the 0 value voters that live off the government like-free cell phones for the poor.

ABC News

A majority of Americans expect Barack Obama to be a one-term president, an assessment on which, in past elections, the public more often has been right than wrong.

Just 37 percent in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll say they expect Obama to win re-election in November 2012; 55 percent instead expect the eventual Republican nominee to win. ABC’s George Stephanopoulos is asking the president about that result in an interview today.

It’s a challenging finding for the president because expectations can fuel voter enthusiasm – precisely the ingredient that led the GOP to its broad success in the 2010 midterms, when charged-up conservatives turned out while dispirited Democrats stayed home.

More here

It’s gonna get nasty though because Democrats are not going down easily. That means the GOP candidate for prez is gonna be the biggest racist in the world, along with being a homophobe, crazy, stupid, anti woman, ….

Fill in the rest.


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Amanda Know finally set free by Italian appeals court and headin’ home

Amanda’s nightmare is over and she’s on her way home to the United States after being wrongly convicted for murder in Italy.

I’m very happy the Italian system righted an injustice that took almost 4 years of her life serving a punishment for a crime she didn’t commit.

The Huffington Post

An Italian court has overturned the conviction of 24-year-old American Amanda Knox. Knox was found not guilty of killing her British roommate, 21-year-old Meredith Kercher, in 2007, and will be freed from jail.
Knox collapsed in tears after the verdict overturning her 2009 conviction was read out.

Earlier Monday, Knox tearfully told the court she did not kill her roommate. Knox frequently paused for breath and fought back tears as she spoke in Italian to the eight members of the jury in a packed courtroom, but managed to maintain her composure during the 10-minute address.

After the morning court session, Knox relaxed in the prison chapel, playing guitar and singing as she awaited the verdict, according to an Italian lawmaker who visited her in prison Monday.

Knox's co-defendant, Raffaele Sollecito, also was cleared of the murder after a court-ordered review of the DNA evidence cast serious doubts over the main DNA evidence linking the two to the crime.

More here

Amanda is in-line to make big bucks selling her story. But, I think she’d rather not go through the ordeal at all.

Monday, October 3, 2011

P.C. Hysteria: Fox New’ s Gretchen Carlson owes Hank Williams Jr. an apology: Williams never compared Obama to Hitler

I come home from class looking for something to post before going to bed and I see this crazy stuff about Hank Williams Jr. being yanked off ESPN for comparing Obama to Hilter.


Here are the headlines posted by a few wwebsites.

Hank Williams Jr. Likens Obama To Hitler In Uncomfortable Fox and Friends Interview

Crooks and Liars
Obama is Hitler: Hank Williams Jr. Impersonates a Tea Party Sign on Fox & Friends

The Politico
ESPN yanks Hank Williams for comparing Obama to Hitler

So I watched the video

Did I miss something?

So I watched the video 3 times and after watching closely I can say Hank Williams Jr. never compared Obama to Hitler.

All he did was make a clumsy analogy of Republicans playing golf with Barack Obama and Joe Biden is like Benjamin Netanyahu playing golf with Hitler or in words two polar opposites politically, culturally and socially playing golf. Or like Satan and God playing golf.

It was dopey Gretchen Carlson who jumped to the conclusion that Williams Jr. was comparing Obama to Hitler when he never came close to saying that.

So once again we have a case of political correctness taking over and making people so scared they feel they have to trip over themselves whenever the word “Hitler” appears in a sentence. Meanwhile an American institution for NFL Football like Hank Williams Jr. gets a very raw deal.


The Last Tradition is fast becoming one of the most popular political blogs on the net. Don’t miss out on the fun and tell a friend.

He Was Also

He was also
He was also
"The pitcher has got only a ball. I've got a bat. So the percentage in weapons is in my favor and I let the fellow with the ball do the fretting."- Hank Aaron

Louisville slugger- Hip Hop Beat by Reef Studios
"A great civilization is not conquered from without, until it has destroyed itself from within." - Apocalypto

Happy Ending-Soundtrack Music by Reef Studios
 Did you hear the people calling for the benching of Frank Gore yesterday, in much the same way that they have been since the season opener against the Seattle Seahawks? If you did, then you should check yourself into some sort of mental hospital, because you're hearing voices. Gore's game against the Philadelphia Eagles speaks a lot as to his ability and how much he has left in the tank.

Now, the Eagles have had a pretty awful rush defense this year, so it doesn't mean that Gore is suddenly 100% and in his prime - but he did show a lot of things that some folks were beginning to doubt. If you heard some of the 49ers fans leading up to this game, they were calling for Kendall Hunter and for Gore to be benched, saying the latter had no acceleration and no power left. One fan even remarked that Anthony Dixon likely has more power in his running at this stage than Gore does.

Yeah. About that ... Gore ran for 127 yards on 15 carries and had a touchdown. A touchdown that tied the game and set the 49ers up for the David Akers extra point to give them the lead they didn't relinquish. His first run of the game went for forty yards and he had a few other big runs along the game. Gore hit the hole well and showed burst like we expect of him. He was caught from behind, but that's indicative of a normal Gore - he's never had the top-end speed to beat every defensive back. The offensive line did block a little bit better, but for the most part, it was a healthy looking Gore fighting for every yard. At the end of the game, on a third-and-one, Gore fought hard with a second effort to get the first and seal the deal.

In short, don't freak out and assume a guy is done with only three games to go on. True, Gore didn't look himself through those three, but anointing Hunter the starter after them is not just irresponsible, it's idiotic. If Hunter plays that whole game, the 49ers probably do not win. It's just as simple as that.

Though it is worth noting that Hunter looked good. He didn't have a lot of rushing yards, but when he got the ball, he looked close to breaking away just about every time. The 49ers utilized him like a change-of-pace back and it worked, tossing the ball and having him bounce out to the outside. He had a key 12-yard run in the third quarter to set up a Vernon Davis touchdown, and generally looked good.

The Eagles did start to catch on though, and in the first half, it seemed like the 49ers were trying to force the ball to Hunter out of desperation. Philadelphia keyed in on it and started to stop him, and that reflects what I said last week - Hunter needs to remain a change-of-pace back, because he's so good at catching people off balance. He's also too raw to shoulder so much responsibility, the 49ers need to make sure they get him his touches, just probably not all on one drive.

At any rate, the 49ers have two healthy and capable running backs to work with.

---Written by James Brady on SBNation

Britt Hume: ‘People who are chasing after Gov. Christie remind me of a pack of dogs chasing a car’

I thought that was a very good line by Britt, to stick it to the GOP establishment.

The buzz surrounding a possible presidential bid from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is getting louder and louder. But is the Christie buzz a media creation, or does it accurately reflect Christie’s potential to shake up the race?

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume had some discouraging words for those hoping for a Christie candidacy — and some criticism for those pushing for the governor to enter the race.

“With all due respect to my esteemed colleague Bill [Kristol], people who are chasing after Gov. Christie remind me of a pack of dogs chasing a car, and it’s not clear what they will do if they catch it,” Hume said.

“All of these issues that you cited (Christie believes in gun control, global warming, amnesty for illegals) — that’s a larger set of departures from Republican and conservative and Republican orthodoxy than Rick Perry has been accused of, and look how much trouble he’s gotten. And I’m just not sure he would wear well. It’d be big excitement at first; the style certainly works, and so on. But, I am not sure how will well he would hold up.”)

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Britt has an excellent point. Christie leans a lot more left than all the other candidates running for the GOP nod. That’s the big joke. But, the GOP establishment is afraid of a true conservative getting the nomination.

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'I'm not a promiscuous vamp': Amanda Knox breaks down in court as she makes last plea for freedom

Let’s see if the Italian Appeals Court can reverse an injustice.

Daily Mail

Amanda Knox made a desperate and emotional last appeal for freedom in court today. Speaking in Italian, she pleaded her innocence and revealed how she was suffering too after the death of her friend Meredith Kercher.

'I lost a friend in the most inexplicable way possible,' she told the appeal court in Perugia, Italy, where hundreds of journalists are camped out.

'I'm paying with my own life for something I have not done,' she said on the day she hopes will be the last of four years in jail.

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Call For Totalitarian Government, Re-Election Of Obama

I think it’s safe to say that these protestors are out to lunch. In the video below you can see that none of these young people can make a coherent point. They strings Leftist platitudes together but none of it makes sense.

One guy even incredibly says that it’s proper for the government to use force to achieve social justice. At the heart of Leftism are the strands of totalitarianism. And the guy wearing the glasses is proof.

Info Wars

Despite their honest intentions, many of the Occupy Wall Street protesters are being suckered into a trap and calling for the very “solutions” that are part of the financial elite’s agenda to torpedo the American middle class – higher taxes and more big government.

The ignorance displayed in these interviews knows no bounds. The protesters just don’t get it. They are calling for the government to use force to impose their ideas, all in the name of bringing down corporations who they don’t realize have completely bought off government regulators. Corporations and government enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship – getting one to regulate the other is asinine and only hurts smaller businesses who are legitimately trying to compete in a free market economy that barely exists.

The zeal for totalitarian government amongst some of the “protesters” is shocking. One sign being carried around read, “A government is an entity which holds the monopolistic right to initiate force,” which seems a little ironic when protesters complain about being physically assaulted by police in the same breath.

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I hold Barack Obama responsible for these protests because his class warfare rhetoric is feeding it.
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Chi-coms open Obana Fried Chicken joints OFC in China in tariff war

Maybe the president has a future in China after the 2012 elections. He’s always likes to wax poetic about China.

Daily Mail

Is Obama abandoning his bid for a second term in the White House and is giving Colonel Sanders a run for his money by opening a chain of fried chicken joints?

Now that's change you can't really believe in.

But in Beijing, China, a restaurant is actually calling itself OFC with a logo that looks alarmingly like the President dressed in the colonel's clothes. The catchphrase underneath, apparently says 'We’re so cool, aren’t we?'

Obama Fried Chicken could be a response to the U.S. filing a complaint with the World Trade Organization about Chinese tariffs on American chicken exports.

According to the New York Times, the tariffs affect an industry that employs about 300,000 people and range from 50 to 100 per cent, which means some Chinese importers paid as much as twice the price for American chicken.

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Makes me wanna go on a KFC run right now. Or it it OFC?

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Roseanne Barr: Behead Bankers, Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth—She’s dead serious

Think thing for a minute this is only the thoughts of one person. Roseanne Barr is typical of how Libs think and what they would do if there wasn’t no such as a Constitution.

Real Clear Politics

Actress, comedienne and now author Roseanne Barr shares her solution for dealing with the rich and how the banks could repay the money the U.S. government bailed them out with in 2008.

"Part of my platform is, of course, the guilty must be punished and that we no longer let our children see their guilty leaders getting away with murder. Because it teaches children, you know, that they don't have to have any morals as long as they have guns and are bullies and I don't think that's a good message," Barr told Russia Today (RT).

"I do say that I am in favor of the return of the guillotine and that is for the worst of the worst of the guilty.

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Perry would send U.S. troops into Mexico to fight drug cartels

I like Rick Perry, but I don’t think he’s doing himself any favors telling war weary citizens about sending our military anywhere unless our national security is threatened.

New York Times

Gov. Rick Perry of Texas said on Saturday that as president, he would consider sending American troops into Mexico to help defeat drug cartels and improve border security. He indicated that any such action would be done “in concert” with the Mexican government.

“It may require our military in Mexico working in concert with them to kill these drug cartels and to keep them off of our border and to destroy their network,” Mr. Perry said during a campaign appearance here.

“I don’t know all the different scenarios that would be out there,” he said. “But I think it is very important for us to work with them to keep that country from failing.”


I’m all for sending troops to defending the border, but taking military actions into Mexico is a whole another matter.


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Cain: Name of Perry's Hunting Camp 'Insulting' to Blacks

Cain taking advantage of this Wash Post hit piece to cut Perry’s knees off.

Politics ain’t beanbag.

Fox News

Businessman Herman Cain
on Sunday called it "insulting" that the family of Rick Perry leased a hunting camp with a racially charged name well into the 1980s and possibly even later.

According to a Washington Post article that appeared Sunday, the hunting camp leased by the Texas governor was branded with the name "N-----head." The word -- reportedly on a rock at the entrance of the 1,070-acre parcel -- has been painted over and the camp renamed.

Perry has said it was changed in 1983 or 1984, but others suggest it may not have been covered until later -- with one person estimating for the Post that it was as late as 2008.

There "isn't a more vile, negative word than the N-word, and for him to leave it there as long as he did, until before, I hear, they finally painted over it, is just plain insensitive to a lot of black people in this country," said Cain, who is running against Perry and a group of others for the Republican presidential nomination.

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It’s a good move for Cain to jump on Perry on this issue in the wake of his “brainwashed” comments referring to how Blacks always vote Democrat.


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'Niggerhead': Washington Post Publishes Racially Charged Front Page Hit Piece on Rick Perry

Ah, the Washington Post is up to their oid racially charged tricks to paint all Republicans as racists. It’s so typical you can almost set your watch by it.


In 2006, the Washington Post lead a racially charged smear campaign against former Senator George Allen (R-Va.) involving the previously unknown word "macaca."

On Sunday, the Post prominently featured a 3000-word, racially charged, front page hit piece involving Texas governor Rick Perry and a decades old bit of graffiti reading "Niggerhead":

In the early years of his political career, Rick Perry began hosting fellow lawmakers, friends and supporters at his family’s secluded West Texas hunting camp, a place known by the name painted in block letters across a large, flat rock standing upright at its gated entrance.
“Niggerhead,” it read.

Ranchers who once grazed cattle on the 1,070-acre parcel on the Clear Fork of the Brazos River called it by that name well before Perry and his father, Ray, began hunting there in the early 1980s. There is no definitive account of when the rock first appeared on the property. In an earlier time, the name on the rock was often given to mountains and creeks and rock outcroppings across the country. Over the years, civil rights groups and government agencies have had some success changing those and other racially offensive names that dotted the nation’s maps.

But the name of this particular parcel did not change for years after it became associated with Rick Perry, first as a private citizen, then as a state official and finally as Texas governor. Some locals still call it that. As recently as this summer, the slablike rock — lying flat, the name still faintly visible beneath a coat of white paint — remained by the gated entrance to the camp.

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Unfortunately this type of misinformation will resonate with some groups.


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Woman (Mary Bach) sues Walmart for 2 Cents and wins

This woman really has no life!

With all the problems have in this country this lady is really upset about 2 lousy cents?

The Huffington Post

For Mary Bach, 2 cents isn't chump change.
The Pennsylvania woman took Walmart to court over a two-penny discrepancy on her receipt -- and won.

Bach was shopping at a Walmart in Delmont when she picked up a package of Banquet "Brown 'N Serve" sausage, listed at 98 cents, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
When the cashier rang up the breakfast meat, the item scanned at $1. Bach says she pointed out the cashier's error and accepted a refund.
But when she returned several days later and was overcharged again, Bach decided that a refund wouldn't cut it. She filed a civil suit against the retail giant -- a practice the consumer activist has made a habit.

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If Walmart is in compliance with the law, then there’s no wrong doing. But, Libs love to attack Walmart. It’s like a blood sport to them.

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Liberal Democrats are locking poor minority parents for the crime of sending their kids to better schools

See the Black woman in the photo?

Liberals are charging her with educational theft for the crime of wanting a better education for her kids.

I have made the argument for years that the Democrat Party who control virtual every inner city public school system in the country BY DESIGN don’t mind if Black and Latino kids are hopelessly locked into failing schools.

This serves two purposes:

1. To under educate minority children so they can be more susceptible to Democrat propaganda
2. Keep failing schools open even if their terrible to coniine collecting union dues from teachers to be funneled back to the Democrat Party in campaign contribution. That’s why the hate vouchers and Charter schools because it’s a threat to the money flow.

And when poor parents try to give their kids a better education this same Democrat controlled system is criminalizing them and throwing in jail with real crooks.

Wall Street Journal

In case you needed further proof of the American education system's failings, especially in poor and minority communities, consider the latest crime to spread across the country: educational theft. That's the charge that has landed several parents, such as Ohio's Kelley Williams-Bolar, in jail this year.

An African-American mother of two, Ms. Williams-Bolar last year used her father's address to enroll her two daughters in a better public school outside of their neighborhood. After spending nine days behind bars charged with grand theft, the single mother was convicted of two felony counts. Not only did this stain her spotless record, but it threatened her ability to earn the teacher's license she had been working on.

Ms. Williams-Bolar caught a break last month when Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich granted her clemency, reducing her charges to misdemeanors from felonies. His decision allows her to pursue her teacher's license, and it may provide hope to parents beyond the Buckeye State.

In the last year, parents in Connecticut, Kentucky and Missouri have all been arrested—and await sentencing—for enrolling their children in better public schools outside of their districts.

These arrests represent two major forms of exasperation. First is that of parents whose children are zoned into failing public schools—they can't afford private schooling, they can't access school vouchers, and they haven't won or haven't even been able to enter a lottery for a better charter school. Then there's the exasperation of school officials finding it more and more difficult to deal with these boundary-hopping parents.

From California to Massachusetts, districts are hiring special investigators to follow children from school to their homes to determine their true residences and decide if they "belong" at high-achieving public schools.


What more proof does the minority community need to realize the Democrat Party only cares about their votes and nothing else?


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Obama setting a trap: Wants to lure GOPers into social issues debate by slamming GOP candidates who stood silent as gay soldier was booed

President Barack Hussein Obama would love nothing better than for GOP candidate running for president to fall into the trap he set yesterday while speaking to a Gay group.

My advice to all the GOPers is to totally ignore him and stick to his dreadful economy like a laser beam.

This election is not about a Gay soldier who got booed or about the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t tell. It’s about the repeal of ObamaCare, 9.2% unemployment, skyrocketing 16 trillion debt, over taxation, and a double dip recession thanks to his policies.

Daily Mail

Barack Obama last night hit out at his Republican rivals for staying silent when a GOP debate crowd booed a homosexual soldier who asked a question.

During a highly combative speech to an audience of 3,000 gay rights activists, the president said: 'You want to be commander in chief? You can start by standing up for the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States, even when it's not politically convenient,'
Recalling the boos soldiers Steven Hill received on September 22 during his videotaped question, which was filmed in Iraq, Mr Obama said: 'We don't believe in standing silent when that happens.

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Obama approval rating is below 40%. He can’t run on his record because he’s toxic. So he desperately needs to change the subject and hitting on social issues is a way to distract attention from his miserable presidency.

Don’t fall into the trap!


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MSNBC doesn’t inform, they propagandize for Obama and the Democrats

If you’re young like High School age or just entering college, new to politics, part of the reason for the existence for this blog is to teach others what is true and what misinformation is.

Pretty simple.

I try to do it in a humorous way, other times I may be sarcastic or just angry depending on my mood. They key here is that for most of your life you’ve been fed the false notion that Liberalism is a good thing when it really isn’t.

In fact, look at what they call themselves “Progressives” instead of Liberals. Ever wonder why? Because they love to play around with words so they can manipulate thoughts. When you can change thinking on an issue, then it’s easier to affect emotions in a particular direction.

“We’re not homosexuals, we’re Gay.”

If you can find a dictionary printed before 1970 the word “Gay” used to mean happy or very elated. But, that’s been forever co-opted by Liberals and that’s how they operate.

If you can understand that, then it’s not difficult to decipher what Liberals really are saying whenever they speak. It may sound like English, but once you can recognize the “buzz words” they use, you’ll see past the surface and delve into the true intent of what they’re trying to accomplish.

MSNBC is a good place to learn your new language because there’s no bigger propaganda machine for Democrats. Try it, its fun.

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