Thursday, March 26, 2009

In The Kitchen

A lot of my time this week has been spent in the kitchen...pleasant and enjoyable time that is. I have really started to enjoy baking and cooking because I don't have much in the way of time constraints for my day making the tasks relaxing. Here's the rundown from this week:
Sunday - Two loaves of apple bread; an attempt to use up the last of the apples in the crate on the porch picked from the orchard last fall
Monday - Two loaves of wheat bread; Steven loves to make cinnamon-sugar toast these days for breakfast and snacks
Tuesday - Three batches of apple crisp for the freezer; another attempt to use of the last of the apples and there are still more of them on the porch
Wednesday - Another batch of apple crisp for dessert at a friend's house last night; you guessed it - still more apples left on the porch
Thursday - Two loaves of friendship bread; yep, the stuff is being passed around out here again!
So, I have probably gained back whatever weight I may have lost during my walks each morning. The rule is one must have a piece of fresh bread as soon as it is removed from the oven...mmm..oh so good! No need to worry though, each batch of bread I made, one of the loaves went into the freezer as a contribution to my "stock pile" of food for the summer when our days are busy and long. Of course, I did cook dinner on a daily basis as well so Steven had some protein to balance out those carbs even though he probably could live on toast.

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