Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Drunk and Chubby Soccki Fights with BFF Over a Guy at Bar reports that after the pint-sized firebrand told David Letterman her childhood "pal" and prom date, Kenny Hitzel, "was just a friend," the truth has come stumbling out after a wild night of boozy drunken mayhem.

Three weeks ago, Snooki, 23, hit the club Torches in Newburgh, New York, with Kenny Hitzel and her BFF, Stephanie Griner.

What started as a fun night out ended in a girl fight between the two girls over Kenny. A fellow partier said that Snooki freaked out because Stephanie was grinding on Kenny, and screeched: "Step-HANIE your vag is too close to Kenny's penis!"
Full strory

Idiot Eric Holder and other Obama Stupid Obama Officials Announce Al Qaida Link to Subway Bomb Plot

How dumb is Eric Holder and the rest of the Obama regime to go public with information that should have remained secret from our enemies to protect our national security?

But, this is how desperate the sinking Titanic that is the Obama presidency has become.

All these political hacks from Barack Obama on down through Eric Holder know how to do is strike a pose and give a speech as if that in itself is an indication of their competence.

Well, it indication no such thing other pure amateurism. “Oh, look we have a link with al Qaida to a subway bomb plot in New York City!”

Oh, isn’t that special. Do you have Adnan Shukrijumah in custody?

“Uh, no. But we have a link.”

Oh, so now he knows and the rest of al Qaida knows what you know. That’s really smart, right?

From The New York Post:

U.S. counterterrorism officials have linked one of the nation's most wanted terrorists to last year's thwarted plot to bomb the New York City subway system, authorities said Wednesday.

Current and former counterterrorism officials said top
al-Qaida operative Adnan Shukrijumah met with one of the would-be suicide bombers in a plot that Attorney General Eric Holder called one of the most dangerous since the 9/11 terror attacks.

Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn have named Shukrijumah in a draft terrorism indictment but on Wednesday the Justice Department was still discussing whether to cite his role. Some officials feared that the extra attention might hinder efforts to capture him.
Shukrijumah's involvement shows how important the subway bombing plot was to al-Qaida's senior leadership. Intelligence officials believe Shukrijumah is one of the top candidates to become al-Qaida's next head of external operations, the man in charge of planning attacks worldwide.
Full story

This announcement is nothing more than PR stunt to try and give the impression that Eric Holder and Barack Obama knows what they’re doing.

We’re better off with the Keystone Kops.

Via New York Post

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Think Progress Readers Attack Sharon Angle for Her Christianity: Sharron Angle Is Against Abortion In Cases Of Rape Or Incest: It Would Interfere With

Our Far Left friends at Think Progress love to give people of faith a hard time.

You would think that since they have one of their own, Barack Obama, sitting in the White House, these miserable Lefties would be happier and the world a better place.

However, that doesn’t seem to be the case. They are just as miserable or even more so than ever.

Sharon Angle appeared on a radio show and was asked a question concerning her views on abortion:

This is the title of the story that appeared on Think Progress website along with some comments from their readers

Sharron Angle Is Against Abortion In Cases Of Rape Or Incest: It Would Interfere With God’s ‘Plan’

Bozo The Neoclown says:

Sharron Angle is a right wing extremist fruitcake.

har5125 says:
Sharron Angle says she is for government regulation to make abortion illegal. But isn’t have less government intervention one of the primary principles of her Tea Party?

glogrrl says:
I think Sharron Angle has already interfered with “God’s Plan” to have rational, intelligent people running the country.
She is batshit crazy.

Leporello, Join the Army and see the Navy! says:
So following her logic, if I get a terminal illness, I shouldn’t have it treated. Obviously it’s part of her god’s plan that I take a dirt nap, problem solved!
And as we watch the (Formerly) Grand Old Party slowly settle in the water we say, WTF???

glogrrl says:
But isn’t have less government intervention one of the primary principles of her Tea Party?
Oh, that only counts when it isn’t abortion or gay marriage. Or separation of church and state.

P.D. says:
This woman has no chance against Reid. She is for Prohibition and is a whore for Big Business. No wonder the Repugs want to keep her under wraps. She is an embarrassment.

DRxJ (Striving for a Troll Free Tomorrow, Today!) says:
You know, as a proud Christian myself, I easily tire of the “It is all God’s plan” type theory! It’s usually played when all arguments have failed.
So, if it is God’s will to allow incest and rape as a form of salvation and faith, then wouldn’t it be also His will that allowed the Supreme Court to pass Roe vs. Wade in 1973, legalizing abortions?And wasn’t it His will that got PRESIDENT Obama elected by a wide margin?

Skywatch says:
So rape and incest are part of God’s plan, according to Angle?
Wow. Angle takes sick and twisted to a whole new level.

Bozo The Neoclown says:
how can what someone said and believe in be a “smear piece”. the teabagging filth needs to embrace their nuttiness like sharron angle, letting it hang right out there for the world to see

sandyeggogirl says:

If I get raped, I’m leaving the baby on her doorstep.

People, people of Nevada:
Are you really going to vote out your Leader of the Senate for this tea-bagging nut burger? Are you?

Bozo The Neoclown says:
if it weren’t for the product of incest, angle wouldn’t have any supporters.

These were only a small sample of the over 160 comments this article generated.

One of the favorite tactics of the Left is to try and marginalize all opposition. In Sharon Angle’s case, they’re trying portray her as being an extremist.

However, what the Left can never understand, because they’re basically Godless people anyway, is that Angle represented an orthodox Christian point-of view that believes God is sovereign over all things.

Sometimes, some pretty unpleasant things can happen to you in life. Read the story of Job and find out how bad it can get.

And even though rape and incest accounts for less than half of a 1 percent of all pregnancies in the United States, even that small number of innocent babies should have the right to life.

Angle got it right!

And as usual The Left is hopelessly wrong!

Via Think Progress

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Cat Woman Robber Prowling Streets of New York

I gotta give this woman credit for creativity and guts. Where the heck is Batman when you need him?

From The New York Post:

A serial stickup artist with a penchant for disguises -- including a cat mask -- has sunk her claws into shoe and beauty stores in Manhattan and Queens, The Post has learned.

The last two hits by the sleek, amber-eyed thief took place last week -- targeting the high-end Arche shoe store on Astor Place in the East Village on Thursday and The Body Shop in Forest Hills, Queens, the next day.

In the strike at Arche, which was caught on video, the slick thief donned a cat mask, the source said.

According to the source, the lithe 5-foot-6, 115 pound thief, described in a wanted poster as possibly Middle Eastern, strode into the store at around 1:30 p.m. She prowled for about 45 minutes before donning her disguise and pouncing on a sales clerk.

"Give me the money. I have a gun," read a note Cat Woman passed to the worker, according to the source.
She got her paws on $86 in cash and scampered off, the source said.

A day later, Cat Woman turned into the Burqa Bandit, wrapping a black scarf over her head.

According to the source, she strode into The Body Shop on Austin Street and Continental Avenue in Queens at 12:50 p.m. and barked out her order to hand over some cash, the source said.

She fled with $500.

I hope this this cat woman crime spree lasts the rest of the summer.

Via New York Post

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Democrats Boogie Men : Predatory Lenders

Everyday when I come home from work, I make sure to say a prayer of thanks to God All Mighty for once again keeping me safe from, dare I say it, Predatory Lenders.

According to politicians like President Obama, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, these critters are out there lurking in the shadows ready to pounce on unsuspecting Americans and force them to borrow money.

But God is good though, because I’ve never seen a PL. Although I’ve heard some stories about their powers of persuasion, still, I have to count my blessings. Many others are less fortunate.

Okay, let’s get back to reality.

The whole concept of the Predatory Lender is yet another Boogie Man Liberals love to create to sway the emotions of the public. It’s about as substantive as cotton candy. But, it gives license to thousands of people who borrowed more money than they could afford, for homes they had no business buying.

Does personal responsibility account for anything anymore?

I guess in the Liberal world, it doesn’t, which is why some people need Democrats to protect them from the big bad lenders throwing money in peoples faces.

But, just in case, I won’t stop praying.

Click to Read The Last Tradition

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sergio “El Shaka” Vega Shot Dead in Mexico After Denying Rumors of his Death

These Mexican drugs gangs are playing for keeps!

This level of violence that took the life of this Mexican superstar is the same violence that’s spilling into Arizona.

Does it take losing the life of an American entertainer at the hands of these Mexican criminals for other parts of the country to take this seriously?

From The National Enquirer:

Scant hours after famed Mexican music superstar SERGIO VEGA aka El SHAKA told worried fans he was very much alive, he was shot dead on his way to perform a concert. Vega who was renowned for tunes about Mexico's drug south of the border, was pumped full of bullets, the BBC reports.

El Shaka, 40 rose to fame for "narcocorridos" songs glamorizing drug cartel much like gangsta rap in US.At least seven other performers who sang drug songs been killed in the past three years, the target of warring drug gangs.On Saturday, Vega spoke Saturday to a website La Oreja to deny rumors he had been murdered.

"It's happened to me for years now, someone tells a radio station or a newspaper I've been killed, or suffered an accident," Vega said. "And then I have to call my dear mum, who has heart trouble, to reassure her."
Full story

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11 Arrested in Alleged Russian Spy Ring

Who said we can really trust the Russians anyway?

But, I really feel safer about our national security with President Barack Obama in the White House. His idea to reduce our nuclear weapons arsenal is a stroke of genius. This way we won’t risk the possibility of blowing ourselves up.

Yeah, he’s really a very smart man.

From The New York Psot:

Eight alleged Russian spies have been busted by the feds for allegedly carrying out "long-term, 'deep-cover' assignments" inside the United States, the Justice Department said.

Two other people were also arrested for allegedly taking part in the operation, and an eleventh person remains at large.


The arrests took place yesterday in and around New York City and in Boston and Arlington, Va.

All of the suspects are charged in Manhattan federal court with conspiring to act as agents of a foreign government without notifying the American attorney general, and 10 are also charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering.

During the hearing today, the proceedings were deemed so sensitive that the court was cleared at one point, a rare event.
Among other things, the Russians allegedly wanted information on President Obama's plans heading into a nuclear summit with Russian officials.

According to court papers in the case, the U.S. government intercepted a message from Russian intelligence headquarters in Moscow to two of the defendants. The message states that their main mission is "to search and develop ties in policymaking circles in US" and send intelligence reports.

The court papers cited numerous examples of communications intercepted by U.S. investigators that spelled out what the 10 allegedly were trying to do.

Full story

Via New York Post

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Palin: Obama Administration Selling out Israel

Do you want to know one of the reasons why Sarah Palin is so loved by millions of Americas?

She’s not afraid to speak her mind without a PC-filter. Sadly, that’s not the case with some of our men leaders in the GOP (John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Mike Pence See Pussies-R-Us).

She’s a breath of fresh air who’s not afraid to mix it up on a debate concerning the American condition.

Many of us Conservatives pay close attention to every move President Obmam makes. That’s not the case with members of his base who are the most ill-informed people in the country.We feel Obama has treated Israel like a red-headed step child, and Sarah Palin calls him out accordingly.

Wow, wasn’t that simple?

Don’t expect that kind of candor coming from the Pussies-R-Us club.

From ABC News:

The former John McCain running mate, Sarah Palin, addressed a paying audience of several hundred people in Norfolk and accused Obama of selling out ally Israel in over its naval blockade of Gaza and treating Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shabbily.

On May 31, Israeli naval commandos killed nine pro-Palestinian activists in clashes aboard a Turkish ship headed for Gaza, setting off a world outcry and forcing Israel to ease its three-year-old blockade.

She also said Obama lacked the resolve to stand up to Russia and

"Do they think, really, that we're getting anything in return for all this bowing and kowtowing and apologizing? No, we don't get anything positive in return for this," Palin said at the event spearheaded by a Norfolk talk radio station.

"So while President Obama is getting pushed around by the likes of Russia and China, our allies are left to wonder about the value of an alliance with our country any more. They're asking what is it worth," she said.

Palin, former Virginia Sen. George Allen and Iran-Contra figure Oliver North, who ran for a Virginia Senate seat and lost, each took turns decrying what they said was the deterioration of U.S. military might and will under Obama's watch.

Palin said that Obama and an allied Democratic Congress had cut military spending while showing no such restraint on other expenditures, running up trillions in new deficits.

Full story

Classic documentary of the “duh” Obama base

Via ABC News

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Sen. Robert “KKK” Byrd Dead at 92

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.

— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944, [8


Robert Byrd was one of the most vile racist ever to serve in the U.S. Senate!

But, he wasn’t alone. He along with other Democrats filibustered the 1964 Civil rights act for nearly three months. He personally talked his head off on the senate floor for 14 hours.

You won’t find many places that will mention this because Byrd’s history along with the true heritage of the Democrat party has been successfully “white washed” as much as the white sheets he used to wear.

In fact, the “white wash” has been so skillful thanks to the greatest propaganda and revisionist history campaign ever implemented in America; most African Americans believe that it was the Republicans who used to hold them down in the chains of slavery.

But, that’s a false history!

Democrats are the original enslavers of African Americans.

Democrats invented Jim Crow laws.

Democrats are the original domestic terrorists by forming the Klu Klux Klan who used to lynch Black people on the regular.

Democrats having lost their battle to keep slavery alive and well, wanted segregation to take its place and Robert Byrd was not a unique fella in that regard.

I just thought I mention this at his passing.

From Yahoo News:

Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia, the longest-serving senator in U.S. history, has died at age 92.

Spokesman Jesse Jacobs says Byrd died peacefully at about 3 a.m. Monday at Inova Hospital in Fairfax, Va.

Byrd was elected to the Senate in 1958, after spending six years in the House. He was the Senate majority leader for six years during the late 1970s and 1980s and was third in the line of succession for the presidency.

As either chairman or the senior Democrat on the Appropriations Committee for 20 years, he steered billions of dollars in federal spending to West Virginia.

Byrd became more frail after the death of his wife, Erma, in 2006. By 2009, aides were wheeling him to and from the Senate floor in a wheelchair.

Click to Read The Last Tradition

Sunday, June 27, 2010

6 Month Baby Killed by Falling Tree Branch in Central Park in New York City (Video)

Things like this don’t make sense. But, whenever you leave your house in the morning, there’s no guarantee you’ll make it back.

From The New York Post:

A 6-month-old New Jersey girl was killed and her mom badly injured yesterday when a tree branch fell on them as they posed for a photo at the Central Park Zoo.

Gianna Ricciutti died in the horrifying accident that played out before helpless relatives and dozens of zoo-goers at around 1:40 p.m. by the Delacorte Clock near East 63rd Street.

The tragedy occurred as dad Mike Ricciutti, 41, of Union City, was taking a picture of his wife, Karla, and daughter.

"The entire family is in a state of shock and they can't stop crying," heartbroken relative Suzanne Fastow told The Post.

The tragedy occurred as dad Mike Ricciutti, 41, of Union City, was taking a picture of his wife, Karla, and daughter.

Hug your kids today!

RIP Gianna Ricciutti

Via New York Post

The Last Tradition

Missing Money Meeks Back in News: Democrat Rep Gregory Meeks Forgetting to Report Loans

Don’t leave any lose money hanging around your house. You’ll never know if Queens congressman Gregory Meeks might come by and snatch it up when you’re not looking.

Don’t tell the NAACP I wrote this, but, Meeks is a Black Hole because money seems to disappear around this guy.

This is about the 6th post, I really lost count, concerning one of the most corrupt congressman in the country that literally gets no national coverage.

Why is that, you’re thinking?

Maybe if Meeks was a senator instead of 1 of 435 representatives in the House, it would be a different story.

Lets get real here.

I think if Meeks was a White Republican from the South; you would be as familiar with his name as you are with your own children.

Yes, my congressman is one of the biggest dirtbags in congress and a discredit to his own race.

That’s right, I said it!

And it’s only because he’s a Black liberal Democrat that the main stream press ignores him and his fraud and misdeeds.

From The New York Post:

Queens Rep. Gregory Meeks has reactivated his personal “mute” button as questions emerge about his curious financial affairs.

Meeks, recall, is under federal investigation for his role, first reported by The Post, with a charity that raised $30,000 for Hurricane Katrina victims, but only delivered $1,392 in actual aid.

Now it turns out that
Meeks has been downright forgetful — that’s his excuse, anyway — about a bunch of personal loans he received in recent years.

Not only did he forget to include them on his congressional disclosure forms, he won’t say who provided the money.

Meeks earlier this month disclosed for the first time that he’d received a “personal loan” of between $50,000 and $100,000 from Queens businessman Edul Ahmad — though Ahmad, asked by The Post about his relationship with the congressman, replied: “I have none.”

When asked about that transaction, Meeks suddenly admitted that he’d also received two other loans: one for $40,000, which he got in 2007 and has been repaid, and another the next year for $15,000, which is outstanding.

Meeks insisted that his not listing them on his disclosure form, as legally required, was simply an “oversight.”

But he wouldn’t answer any questions about who loaned him the money and for what reason — both of which he must also disclose by law.

Reports say the loans may be connected to the luxurious home for which Meeks paid $830,000 in 2008 — at a time when his disclosure form listed no cash assets, including retirement accounts, investments or savings.

Full story

Via New York Post

The Last Tradition

Obama Knew of Blago’s Senate Seat Deal to Appoint Valerie Jarrett

Can you imagine the amount of press trucks from around the world that would be parked outside the courthouse if a Republican president was an alleged participant in selling a U.S. senate seat?

It would make the O.J. trial look like a Code Pink rally-small crowd.

But, the main stream media is predictably absent for former Illinois Gov Rod Blagojevich’s corruption trial.
Well, they could be AWOL all they want. Conservative bloggers are watching this thing very closely and the facts will come out because Blago isn’t going down alone.

From The National Enquirer:

BLAGOJEVICH corruption trial bombshell: ex-aide to the ex-gov claims under oath that BARACK OBAMA knew of the secret deal for his Chicago senate seat.
JOHN HARRIS, An ex-aide to former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich testified that President Obama knew Blago wanted a plum job in the administration in exchange for appointing a pal to fill Obama's vacated Senate seat.
Harris, Blago's former chief of staff, testified in corruption trial in federal District Court in Chicago, Ill. that Obama was well aware Blagojevich was manipulating the Senate seat into a cushy cabinet position in the administration for himself.
He also testified that Blagojevich was convinced if he appointed to the Senate Obama's longtime friend VALERIE JARRETT

, Blago would then be IN the cabinet.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

6-Year-Old Ohio Girl Placed on 'No Fly' List

Yes sir, Obama’s Homeland Securty is doing a bang up job! It won’t be long until every single American will be added to the “no fly”list.

But, Muslims will be exempted for the sake of politcal correctness.

From Fox News:

An Ohio family recently learned their 6-year-old daughter was on the Department of Homeland Security’s 'no fly' list, reported.

Alyssa Thomas, 6, was traveling with her parents when a ticket agent notified the family she was on the list of restricted fliers.

"We were, like, puzzled," said her father, Dr. Santhosh Thomas. "I'm like, well, she's kinda six-years-old and this is not something that should be typical."

When the family tried to clear up the issue with Homeland Security, they received a letter notifying them that it could not be changed.

"She's been flying since she was two-months old, so that has not been an issue," said Dr. Thomas. "In fact, we had traveled to Mexico in February and there were no issues at that time."
Full story

Via Fox News

The Last Tradition

Beyonce Upset and Not Speaking to Dad Over Cheating/ Love Child

This matter is between her mother and father and it really isn’t any of her business. Matthew Knowless is still her father and not speaking to him is really childish at this point.

Human frailty being what it is, infidelity is always a possibility for anyone, man or woman. It’s what happens afterwards that’s the real challenge. Some marriages can survive it, others don’t.

But, what does worse in “for better or worse” suppose to mean? Cheating is not included in that?

From The New York Post:

Beyonce Knowles
is still refusing to speak to her dad and manager, Matthew Knowles, after he fathered a love child with a woman 20 years his junior -- and suits at her record label fear the rift could damage her career.

The superstar singer was horrified when it was alleged last year that Matthew had an 18-month affair with 38-year-old Alexsandra Wright and DNA tests confirmed he'd fathered her son, Nixon, while still married to Beyoncé's mother, Tina Knowles.

Now, sources tell Page Six that relations between Beyoncé, who is very close to her mom, and her father have reached such a low point that executives at her label, Columbia, are worried.


Matthew guided Beyoncé's career through her days with Destiny's Child and is still her manager.

But one music industry insider said, "Beyoncé was horrified to find out her dad cheated on her mom. She always

looked up to him, and she is very close to her mom, so this has hit her really hard. She is refusing to speak to him, which is making things difficult where it comes to managing her career. Some people at Columbia now think it would be better to move him aside."

Former "Scrubs" actress Wright filed a paternity suit last October, and a DNA test taken in March confirmed that Knowles was the father of Nixon, who was born on Feb. 4.

A judge ordered him to pay $8,200 a month in child support on an interim basis.

Wright, a Los Angeles-based branding executive, claimed that Matthew Knowles, who was married to Tina for 29 years, had an affair with her for a year and a half. Tina filed for divorce last November.

Wright and Matthew are now in the final stages of negotiating a child support settlement.

Via New York Post

The Last Tradition

Stripper Sues Cab Company Over Career Ending Scar

Hey, stripping is a highly competitive business. It takes skill to shake your booty and slide up and down a stripper pole.

Not every woman can do it.

Do you think its easy to do this?

From The New York Daily News:

A stripper who claims her career hit the skids after her face was scarred in a taxi accident will get her day in court, a Brooklyn judge ruled Friday.

It was a big victory for
Sheryl Azevedo. Lawyers for the cab company had sought to dismiss the case, claiming the scar was insignificant and at age 34 she was over the hill for a stripper.

On Feb. 21, 2007, after finishing a shift at Flashdancers, the midtown
Manhattan jiggle joint, Azevedo was in a cab that slammed into a Dumpster, according to court documents and her lawyer, Mitchel Ashley.

"Her head hit the partition behind the driver, she was bleeding and she ended up with a scar on her nose," he told the Daily News.

She sued the taxi driver and the cab company, charging that the scar made it impossible to get lucrative strip jobs in Manhattan and forced her to work at low-paying joints in the Midwest, Ashley said.

Lawyers for the cab company claimed the drop in income could be from her age or weight, and noted that strippers work in the dark, so customers couldn't see her face.

Full story

Justice needs to be done here!

Via Daily News

The Last Tradition

Prince Harry Called a Sharp Shooter at West Point

What I like about Prince Harry is that he seems to be a man’s man.

Also, he wanted to fight in the war in Afghanistan but was pulled back by British military leaders. That did him a tremendous disservice.

Let him fight!

From The Daily News:

Prince Harry started his three-day visit to New York with a bang yesterday at West Point, where the camouflage-clad lieutenant shot target practice with American cadets.

Before heading to Manhattan, Harry, third in line to the British throne, landed at the military academy by helicopter.

He hopped in the back of a Humvee and went straight to the firing range for live-ammo exercises.

The red-headed royal, 25, who has settled down after some youthful hijinks and served in Afghanistan in 2008, fired an M4 rifle alongside cadets at popup, silhouette targets as far as 300 meters away.

"He clearly knows what he's doing," said Col. Casey Haskins, an academy instructor. "He clearly knows how to shoot. He clearly knows how to move."

"He seems like a really down-to-earth guy," said Cadet Kristen Griest of Orange, Conn.

From West Point, Harry traveled down the Hudson to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum.

The prince - who said it was "a bit of a 'pinch yourself' moment" to stand on the Intrepid's flight deck - spoke about the long military ties between the U.S. and the UK.

"American and British forces have fought shoulder-to-shoulder for 100 years," he said, adding that the countries should forge stronger links between their veterans.
Full story

Good luck with that with Obama as president.

Prince Harry throws out the first pitch at my beloved Citi Field.

He throws a heck of a lot better than Barack Obama.

Via Daily News

The Last Tradition

Friday, June 25, 2010

DISCLOSE Act passes the House. Liberals handing Out Speech Licenses

Democrat hubris is on display with the House passing the Disclose Act. The sooner we can take control of congress and set things right again the better.

From Red State:

Thursday, the House of Representatives approved the bill 219-206, with 36 Democrats and 170 Republicans in opposition to the measure, which was written by Rep. Chris Van Hollen, the Maryland Democrat who heads the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee this year, and New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, who led the Senate Democrats’ campaign panel in 2008.

The bill is full of draconian restrictions on individual political speech expressed via corporations, but gives privileged status to the Democrats’ union masters.

A provision pushed by Pennsylvania Democrat Rep. Bob Brady, for example, allows unions to transfer unlimited funds among affiliated groups to pay for political ads with no disclosure whatsoever.

That makes campaign funding more transparent?

Believe me, it gets better and better - for given values of ‘better’ - so read the whole thing.

Quite a few special-interest exemptions in there, mostly involving unions but also (and notably not mentioned in the Examiner article)
the NRA, the Sierra Club, and AARP*.

About the only good thing that you can say about this bill is that it’s going to be extremely hard to find a Republican Senator dumb enough to sign off on it. And before you say “John McCain,” he’s already come out against it:

But McCain says he will be no part of advancing a bill that requires more disclosure of corporations than it does of labor unions.

“It’s no surprise that Democrats craft a bill that favors their supporters,” he said, after the House vote.

Greece Selling Islands to Pay of Massive Spending United States Following Sane Footsteps.

Imagine America needing to sell off California in order to service the interest on all the borrowed money in cured by the Obama regime.

Sounds to far fetch?

I bet the Greeks felt the same way at one time. And thanks to Obama’s high spending, the United States is following in Greece’s footsteps.

From The Guardian:

Desperate attempt to repay debts also driven by inability to find funds to develop infrastructure on islands Greece is raising cash by selling off an area of state-owned land on Mykonos for luxury tourism.

Photograph: Getty Images

There's little that shouts "seriously rich" as much as a little island in the sun to call your own. For Sir Richard Branson it is Neckar in the Caribbean, the billionaire Barclay brothers prefer Brecqhou in the Channel Islands, while Aristotle Onassis married Jackie Kennedy on Skorpios, his Greek hideway.

Greece is making it easier for the rich and famous to fulfill their dreams by preparing to sell, or offering long-term leases on, some of its 6,000 sunkissed islands in a desperate attempt to repay its mountainous debts.

The Guardian has learned that an area in Mykonos, one of Greece's top tourist destinations, is one of the sites for sale. The area is one-third owned by the government, which is looking for a buyer willing to inject capital and develop a luxury tourism complex, according to a source close to the negotiations.

Potential investors also looking at property on the island of Rhodes, are mostly Russian and Chinese. Investors in both countries are looking for a little bit of the Mediterranean as holiday destinations for their increasingly affluent populations.

Roman Abramovich, the billionaire owner of Chelsea football club, is among those understood to be interested, although a spokesman denied he was about to invest.

Greece has embarked on the desperate measures after being pushed into a €110bn (£90bn) bailout by the EU and the IMF last month, following a decade of overspending and after jittery investors raised borrowing costs to unbearable levels.

The sale of an island – or convincing a member of the international jet-set to take on a long-term lease – would help to boost its coffers.

Full story

Something like that can't happen here, right?

Via Guardian

Via Drudge Report
The Last Tradition

California Welfare Cards Being Used In Casino ATM's

How about cutting off welfare entirely and make these people get a job?

Is that too much to ask?

This is yet another reason why California is on the brink of bankruptcy.

From The Hiffington Post:

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has issued an executive order barring California welfare recipients from using state-issued debit cards at casino ATMs.

Thursday's order followed a report by The Los Angeles Times that found CalWORKS cards were used to withdraw cash in more than half the casinos in the state.

The newspaper reported Thursday that welfare recipients have withdrawn more than $1.8 million in taxpayer cash at casinos since October.

Schwarzenegger's order requires welfare recipients to sign a pledge that they will use their benefits only to meet the basic needs of their families.

Full story

I like how Californai welfare program is called CalWorks. How about CalNoWorks of CaliLazyAssBastardsWhoDon’tWorkWorks?

This is a sample of California's entitlement mentality at work. Notice how this woman expects the state should take care of her for her bad life decisions.

Via Huffington Post

The Last Tradition

California Couple Tried to Sell Baby at Walmart for $25

There are millions of couples in this country that can’t conceive a child. It’s a deep hurt that unless you’re affected by it, many cannot comprehend the anguish of people who want to raise their own flesh and blood and become good parents.

Then you have a story like this and it only makes it worse because these kind of people seem to have boatloads of children and they’re the most horrible parents in the world.

From ABC News:

A California couple faces child endangerment charges after police say they tried to sell their 6-month-old baby for $25 outside a Walmart store.

Salinas police spokesman, Officer Lalo Villegas, said Thursday that
Patrick Fousek, 38, and Samantha Tomasini, 20, were arrested early Wednesday, hours after Fousek allegedly approached two women outside Walmart and asked if they'd like to purchase his child.

The women initially thought Fousek was joking, but when he became persistent, they became suspicious and reported it to police, Villegas said.

"They did an outstanding job and gave our officers good information. I don't know if they're mothers but they definitely had that instinct to help," Villegas said.

Fousek and Tomasini were arrested at 1 a.m. Wednesday at their home. Officers said the couple appeared high on methamphetamine and the house was in disarray. A police report also claimed that Tomasini told Child Protective Services, who took the baby, that she had breast-fed the infant while under the influence, Villegas said.

The couple was also booked on charges of being under the influence of narcotics, and Fousek was also served with an extra charge of violating probation. Villegas did not have details of Fousek's previous brush with the law.

I'm sure Progressives will say Society is to blame and these drug addicts are not responsible for their actions because there isn't enough drug programs to prevent this couple from trying to sell their baby.

Via ABC News

The Last Tradition

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bombshel Revelation: Gates Fought to Keep McChrystal, according to High Ranking Pentagon Official

When leaks start flying out from the Obama regime faster than the oil gsushing from BP’s Deep Water Horizon, brother, you got serious problems.

Barack Obama’s own Defence Secreatary, Robert Gates, a Bush holdover by the way, argued that keeping Gen. Stanley McChrystal was vital to the mission in Afghanestan.

But, the commuinity orginaer-in-chief chose not to listen to that sound advice.

Instead he goes with Bush era Gen David Petraeus, who Obama practically called a liar along with a slew of other Democrarts during his prosecution of the war in Iraq.

Now, the Left is appluading Obama’s decision as smart and decisive. However, they have no credibility or intelectual honesty since they’re doing nothing more than plugging in the mnay holes that is causing the Obama presidency to sink along with the rest of the counrtry.

Remember when Hilliary Clinton called Petraeus a liar?

Now, the Obama suck-up media is calling Obama brillint for appointiing the man who they essentially called a sock pupport when he worked for Goerge Bush.

Let me tell you something. I didn’t post anything about Petraeus fainting because it was bad enough it was caught on video. That image is going to be uesed by our enemies around the world as propaganda tool to symbolicaly show American weakness and lack resolve.

Now, Obama picks that general to run the war in Afghanestan and hand our enemies another proganda weapon?

From CNN:

Defense Secretary Robert Gates backed keeping Gen. Stanley McChrystal on the job because he was vital to the war effort in Afghanistan, but Gates was overruled, a senior Pentagon official told CNN's Barbara Starr.

The official has direct knowledge of the events but declined to be identified because of the internal administration discussions.

President Barack Obama relieved McChrystal of command of the Afghan war on Wednesday, a day after Rolling Stone published critical comments about top White House officials by members of McChrystal's staff.

Gates was initially furious about the article, but said McChrystal had to stay in command because the war is at such a critical point, a second source -- who also asked not to be named on internal administration discussions -- told CNN.

But as it became clear the White House didn't feel same way and the issue was not going to fade, Gates shifted his position and agreed that keeping the general would be an untenable distraction.

Technically, McChrystal resigned.

It's still unclear whether Obama had made up his mind before sitting down with McChrystal, but CNN has learned that during their one-on-one meeting, Obama gave the general a chance to defend himself.

"The president asked him about the (Rolling Stone) article," said a senior administration official.

McChrystal "tried to explain the situation," the official said.
That senior administration official, who briefed reporters, said that once Obama accepted McChrystal's resignation, he wasted no time finding his replacement.

After McChrystal walked out of the White House following his 30-minute face-to-face meeting with the president, the president immediately huddled with a team of advisors to decide who would replace McChrystal.

That group included Vice President Joe Biden, Defense Secretary Gates, Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, National Security Advisor Jim Jones and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

For 45 minutes, they mulled over the president's options.

The White House earlier had asked for a list of possible replacements for McChrystal in the event the president replaced him.

Gen. David Petraeus, head of U.S. Central Command, was one of those considered. The president chose Petraeus.

There is a continuity -- Petraeus is familiar with all the players in the region and he is familiar to NATO partners.

Then Obama called Petraeus, who was already in the White House Situation Room, into the Oval Office to ask him to take over the mission in Afghanistan.

The meeting lasted for 40 minutes, and Petraeus agreed.

Full story


Via Memorandum

Actor Jon Voight Writes Open Letter to President Obama

Jon Voight is a true patriot who loves this country. He’s one actor, although there are others, who has the courage to stand up for Conservatism in Liberal dominated Hollywood.

God bless Jon Voight!

From The Sean Hannity Show:

An open letter from actor Jon Voight to President Obama:
June 22, 2010

President Obama:

You will be the first American president that lied to the Jewish people, and the American people as well, when you said that you would defend Israel, the only Democratic state in the Middle East, against all their enemies.

You have done just the opposite.

You have propagandized Israel, until they look like they are everyone's enemy — and it has resonated throughout the world. You are putting Israel in harm's way, and you have promoted anti-Semitism throughout the world.

You have brought this to a people who have given the world the Ten Commandments and most laws we live by today. The Jewish people have given the world our greatest scientists and philosophers, and the cures for many diseases, and now you play a very dangerous game so you can look like a true martyr to what you see and say are the underdogs. But the underdogs you defend are murderers and criminals who want Israel eradicated.

You have brought to Arizona a civil war, once again defending the criminals and illegals, creating a meltdown for good, loyal, law-abiding citizens. Your destruction of this country may never be remedied, and we may never recover.

I pray to God you stop, and I hope the people in this great country realize your agenda is not for the betterment of mankind, but for the betterment of your politics.

With heartfelt and deep concern for America and Israel,

Jon Voight

This is Jon Voight portraying FDR in Pearl Harbor.

The United States has been attacked by Japan and Rooosevelt meets with his military leaders afterwards.

It’s a great scene!

Via Sean Hannity Show

The Last Tradition

Al Gore in Sex Scandal: Video

Do you know where that thumb has been?

Maybe Al Gore can get a regular TV gig on CNN like Eliot Spitzer. If they can hire a whoremongering ex Gov, what about a former sex-hungry former VP?

From The Other McCain:

The masseuse told investigators about an evening massage session during which Gore allegedly became enraged at times and tried to gain sexual favors from the woman.

“I was shocked and I did not massage beyond what is considered a safe, nonsexual area of the abdomen,” she said. “He further insisted and acted angry, becoming verbally sharp and loud.”“I went into much deeper shock as I realized it appeared he was demanding sexual favors or sexual behaviors.”

The woman said Gore grabbed her hand and shoved it toward his pubic area.

She alleged he later tried to have sex with her and began caressing her before she squirmed out of his grasp.

Some reporters had the original 2006 police report three years ago:

Police say that, back in 2007, they released the initial three-page report regarding the incident after receiving a public records request from the Portland Tribune.

An article on the newspaper’s web site Wednesday indicated that the paper chose not to report the story at that time, in part due to the woman’s desire to remain anonymous.

A 73-page follow-up police report from last year.

Via The Other McCain

The Last Tradition

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jerry Seinfeld Trashes Lady Gaga and Says She Should Apologize to Mets fans

Like Jerry Seinfeld, I’m a huge Mets fan and I too offense at Lady Gaga giving Mets fans the finger. It was really a low-class move. But, that’s what happens when you’re not sober.

I think she has a dringking problem.

From Gawker:
If you've ever watched Seinfeld, then you know Jerry is a big Mets fan. Tonight, he visited the Mets' booth with Gary Cohen and Keith Hernandez for a few innings. Lady Gaga came up, and Jerry did not hold back.

Once again, Seinfeld addressed head on the Gaga middle finger incident from her surprise appearance last week at Citi Field last week—one he was brought into after Gaga was given his luxury suite for a few innings without his prior consent. After discussing his feelings on her behavior (spoiler: he's still not happy about it), Seinfeld delved into the steps taken to cleanse his booth of her presence.

Jodi Miller and NewsBusted

These short political comedy shows produced by the Media Research Center are always on the money funny.

And Jodi Miller ain’t too bad to look at either.


Obama Finds Somebody’s Ass to Kick: Fires McChrystal Brings in Petraeus

This is Barack Obama criticizing Gen Petraeus. Obama was against the surge in Iraq and said repeatedly that it was an unwise strategy and that it wouldn’t work.

Of course, the community organizer with loads of military experience was proven wrong. And he’s never admitted his error in judgment ever since.

IRAQ HEARINGS: Sen. Obama Questions Gen. Petraeus

Gen Stanley McChrystal is a real kick-ass kind of guy who is 4th generation military. His father was a distinguished general himself. McChrystal has patriot blood running through his veins.

President Obama’s father, on the other hand, died a drunk in Kenya. But, thanks to an adoring media, this dubious lineage is somehow made greater than McChrystal’s.

Thankfully, with each passing Obama is being seen for what he is, a myth, a mirage, a phantom, or a media invented president from a B movie.

Yes, the emperor has no clothes.

From Yahoo News:

President Barack Obama sacked his loose-lipped Afghanistan commander Wednesday, a seismic shift for the military order in wartime, and chose the familiar, admired — and tightly disciplined — Gen. David Petraeus to replace him. Petraeus, architect of the Iraq war turnaround, was once again to take hands-on leadership of a troubled war effort.
Obama said bluntly that Gen. Stanley McChrystal's scornful remarks about administration officials in interviews for a magazine article represent conduct that "undermines the civilian
control of the military that is at the core of our democratic system."

He fired the commander after summoning him from Afghanistan for a face to face meeting in the Oval Office and named Petraeus, the
Central Command chief who was McChrystal's direct boss, to step in.

By pairing those announcements, Obama sought to move on from the firestorm that was renewing debate over his revamped Afghanistan policy.

It was meant to assure Afghans, U.S. allies and a restive American electorate that a firm hand is running the war.

Expressing praise for McChrystal yet certainty he had to go, Obama said he did not make the decision over any disagreement in policy or "out of any sense of personal insult."

Flanked by Vice President Joe Biden,
Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in the Rose Garden, he said: "War is bigger than any one man or woman, whether a private, a general, or a president."
He urged the Senate to confirm Petraeus swiftly and emphasized the Afghanistan strategy he announced in December was not shifting with McChrystal's departure.

"This is a change in personnel but it is not a change in policy," Obama said. The president delivered the same message in a phone call to Afghan President Hamid Karzai, the White House said, and Karzai told Obama he would work toward a smooth transition.
As Obama was speaking in the Rose Garden, McChrystal released a statement saying that he resigned out of "a desire to see the mission succeed" and expressing support for the war strategy.

With lawmakers of both parties praising the choice of Petraeus, the White House is confident he will be confirmed before Congress adjourns at the end of next week.

Obama hit several grace notes about McChrystal and his service after their meeting, saying he made the decision to sack him "with considerable regret." And yet, he said the job in Afghanistan cannot be done now under McChrystal's leadership, asserting that the
critical remarks from the general and his inner circle in Rolling Stone displayed conduct that doesn't live up to the standards for a command-level officer.
"I welcome debate among my team, but I won't tolerate division," Obama said.

He had delivered that same message — that there must be no more backbiting — to his full war cabinet in a Situation Room session, said a senior administration official.

The announcement came as June became the deadliest month for the U.S.-dominated international coalition in Afghanistan. NATO announced eight more international troop deaths Wednesday for a total of 76 this month, one more than in the deadliest month previously, in July 2009. Forty-six of those killed this month were Americans. The U.S. has 90,800 troops in Afghanistan.

Obama seemed to suggest that McChrystal's
military career is over, saying the nation should be grateful "for his remarkable career in uniform" as if that has drawn to a close. McChrystal left the White House after the meeting and returned to his military quarters at Washington's Fort McNair.

Petraeus, who attended a formal Afghanistan war meeting at the White House on Wednesday, has had overarching responsibility for the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq as head of Central Command. He was to vacate the Central Command post after his expected confirmation, giving Obama another key opening to fill. The Afghanistan job is actually a step down from his current post but one that filled Obama's pre-eminent need.

Petraeus is the nation's best-known military man, having risen to prominence as the commander who turned around the Iraq war in 2007, applying a
counterinsurgency strategy that has been adapted for Afghanistan.
Full story

Via Yahoo News

Via Memeorandium