Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I recently finished my second block of my medical school year 1 curriculum: Molecules, Cells, and Cancer. As per usual, solid pass... not as per usual, this pass was at the lower end of the spectrum.

My excuse?
Mild emotional trauma via an impromptu, and admittedly self-induced, social explosion that left me reeling for the first few weeks of the semester was not a good way to kick off the block. That on top of getting seriously sick for the first 3 weeks of school set a study pattern that was less than desirable aka near non-existent, at least by medical school standards.

So what did I do with my free time?
I went to the gym... a lot. 2-3 hours a day for the last 3 months. I hung out with my sister and some old friends, did a little shopping, and mostly kept to myself.

So what are my conclusions from this study and mild social hiatus?

1) endorphins make you happy.
*Some of this gym obsession was due in part to the urge to get ready for Cabo spring break in which I knew there would be rampant bikini photography occurring, but I admit there was also a component of gym therapy involved.*

2) Withdrawing socially has some pro's and con's.
*I got more in touch with myself and had time to reevaluate some recent bad decisions, but by the end of the block I was feeling a little lonely.*

3) Anything can lose the glamor if you over do it.
*As the end of the phase and my current state of affairs attest. Allow me to explain.*

I think I'm a little OCD.
Not in the literal, disordered sense, but I do obsess.

1) At the beginning of this year, I obsessed about studying and as a result studying lost its glamor. I became completely sick of it.

2) During MCC I became borderline obsessed with working out. Even my release became routine; the gym lost its glamor.

3) Boys. At last, I've noticed a pattern in my ridiculous affairs with the opposite sex... I obsess. Not in the stalker/Swim Fan sense, but what I mean is that I get a crush on someone and then I target him.

exhibit A:
My first boyfriend, who I crushed on for my first 7 months at a new school until we finally got together ignoring anybody else who asked me out and totally taking for granted the 'new girl' effect that was freely at my disposal to tap into.

exhibit B:
My MS1 crush. A guy I randomly made out with and spent the majority of the last 4 months crushing on. A guy that caused me to be completely oblivious to another guy who in retrospect I think I really had chemistry with, and a guy who it turns out after recently actually spending a night hanging out with him and getting to know him, I'm not sure I really jive with outside of friendship.

Yes, even boys lose their glamor.

The result?
On the upside, my hiatus from studying has made the task slightly less deplorable, my time at the gym has incurred some results i.e. better cardi0vascular health, abs, and a knowledge of recent world affairs (I was getting in about an hour of CNN/day while on the elliptical), and I'm finally over my crush if not slightly annoyed by my own behavior. The downside... this just leaves me with books, a fitter bod, and no man friend. (Not to mention frequent sitings of the boy who got away- who I'm still not sure if I do in fact have chemistry with, and who is looking obnoxiously cute as of late... alas).

But, the point of this post: I'm also more self-aware.
There is definite truth to a lifestyle that supports 'moderation in all things.' Studying, working out, and even boys can all be overdone. Luckily, with a long enough break, what was old can sometimes become new again. I might have been study avoidant, gym obsessed, and socially withdrawn during MCC, but I'm ready to get back on the horse.

Consider this my commitment to seek a more balanced (and less obsessed) addendum.

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