Monday, September 27, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust

And another week down, and another week down... That's right, I'm just beginning my 6th week of medical school. That means I've completed 5 weeks of intensive studying, 5 weekly exams, and had 5 weeks to let this new maladjusted state take over my life. As far as school goes, I'm still in the experimental period... I'm not sure what corners I can cut or what's the best method for me to get a handle on the torrential downpour of material they rain on us.

A few methods I've tried...

Doing all the readings
This turned out to be physically impossible by sheer magnitude... and at least for me, ineffective.

Spending every waking minute studying.
This lended itself to no exercise, poor eating habits (primarily pretzels, baby carrots, and diet coke), and feelings of disorientation when I emerged from study hall to the outdoors on the short walk to my apartment.

Taking the weekend off.
Generally this is not advisable since we have exams every Monday. However, I didn't do much worse on the exam than usual and I doubt I would have done better if I'd studied.

**Plus... It lent itself to some quality fun time with the fam, perhaps even a special boy, and helped me get a grip on the bigger picture**

And that my friends brings me to now... back in my usual conundrum trying to figure out how to reign in the semi-disorganized mess that is the 'new curriculum' at my medical school. Looks like this week I'll be spending a little more time hitting the books and maybe not taking a weekend off. But at least I am forcing myself to make time for the essentials...

*Jilan Micheals and her 30 day shred is my new bff*
*I ditched the pretzels for
lots of veggies and lean meats, nom nom*
*And I'm making time for a little fun and family time on the side.*

Let's not frown on improvement. And besides, even when it sucks I'm still glad I'm here.

...Week six...
**' Hey, I'm gonna get you too. Another one bites the dust!'**

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