Monday, September 13, 2010

what i'm learning...

Besides for mass amounts of science that comes at you so fast you can barely keep up and the constant feeling of confusion... I'm learning a lot in medical school.

Let me fill you in:

1) Medical students... are just people. I'd previously had my colleagues on a pedestal. Their big brains had the effect of making me feel mildly inept and generally intimidated. But after a few weeks of getting to know these people and perhaps being exposed to some of the conflicts and personality flaws that come up when 82 strangers are forced to spend most of their days together, I realized they're just people like you and me... brilliant, but just people.

2) Girls really dig boys that are in medical school, something that the 56 boys in my class are taking full advantage of. Boys however do not really dig girls in medical school, something that myself and the other 25 girls in my class are not so thrilled about. Apparently female nurse= hot, aspiring female doctor= RUN!.

3) It's kind of like high school. With this few of people spending such a high amount of time together, conflicts come up, attractions arise, and people start talking. Whether it's speculation on who likes who, the low down on who was wearing what, straight up gossip about things that other people have done, or a pick apart of someone's personality, I've heard it all.

4) It's also kind of like a less hot version of Grey's Anatomy. While I'm the first to admit I've got a pretty good looking class, I won't go as far as to say we're up to par with the McSteamy/McDreamy/hot ladies of Grey's Anatomy trifecta. However there are a few similarities with Greys' i.e. attractions, people coming on to each other (none will be named), gossip, and student's hands in each others undies. Ok, so the hands in each others undies part was because we're forced to practice exams on each other which include palpating the femoral artery, but still.

5) Tact in public relations is imperative... Can I just say I'm glad to have read Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People?" I'll plug it again. It's a must read...

Other then that what can I say? I'm slowly getting a handle on the city. I've been checking out the restaurant scene and loving it- NOM. I'm learning a lot and building relationships with a lot of new people. I LOVE my classmates and though at times I hate the politics and the kinks associated with the new curriculum, I love my school.
Life is good.

*Me and some of my classmates*

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