Saturday, November 27, 2010


Boo. While there are probably more interesting things I could write about, current mood elicits a more boy-centric post.

I think I've just been shot down....

You see, there's this boy I've been digging on. I admit the chemistry isn't great, but he was cute and I'm bored. After some initial sparks I haven't heard much from him and I've recently found myself coming up with justifications for why he didn't call when he said he would or why we didn't hang out like he said he would...

*These are the things girls do. The things I like to avoid doing.*

**Stupid really, but I know I'm not alone in this. So ladies I'm going to break it down.**

1) If you text a guy and he doesn't respond... It's not because he didn't get your text, it's because he didn't want to respond.

2) If a guy asks you to hang out, but then doesn't follow through... It's because he doesn't want to follow through, he has something better to do, or he's just not that interested.


3) If you basically throw yourself at a guy and he doesn't take advantage of the situation, it's too late to recover.

While these sentiments could probably be derived from a copy of "He's Just Not That Into You," they deserve to be mentioned again.

Learn them, own them, live them.

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