Thursday, November 11, 2010


So... These last few weeks have been a bit...
In recent weeks I've found myself more concerned with what I'll be doing on the weekend than school. That's not to say that I'm letting things slip- I make sure and get my work down, but my priority is fun.

**Is this a side effect of burn out? Or is it just me finding a better balance between fun and responsibility?**

In some regard this focus on fun (and perhaps boys) has been a nice change of pace from the constant flow of science related thoughts coursing through my brain, but in other ways it's made me feel a little more like 'flighty high school' girl than 'young professional.'

It makes me wonder... Should I revamp my priorities? Should I worry a little more about school and a little less about what I'll be doing this weekend?

...This is a constant struggle...
In an abnormal psychology class that I took last year, my professor told us that many of us study more than is necessary. He said research supported that students who prepared for a test and then took it versus those that prepared for it, then studied several additional hours before taking the test did not do substantially better or in some cases better at all. Consequently, each week I ask myself- Will studying a few more hours tonight actually help me on the test? More often than not I decide that the answer is no, that I'm prepared, and that my evening would be better spent at the gym or hanging out with friends or family.

...tut tut...

Another issue... We've been told time and again that the material we are getting now we'll be getting again next year in more detail. Plenty of second years have told me that if you want to have fun during medical school, first year is the time to do it. Second year just gets more demanding and rotations during 3rd year will really amp up the pace. When I find myself wondering if I should be studying more and looking for outside resources that will help me on the boards vs just doing the bare minimum to pass my classes, I remember these bits of advice and always elect for fun > studying.

So... Is all this really a problem? Are my priorities out of whack?

Let's put this into perspective. Sure I go out and have fun on the weekend, but that's only after I put in an average of 5 hours of studying on Saturday and 5 on Sunday and either way I'm still passing my tests.

You're probably thinking that doesn't sound like slacking.
But it is... at least when I compare myself to some of the other students in my class. Some of these guys study from 8 in the morning till midnight every days.

How do they do this?
**They're machines.**
Med school machines with dreams of surgery and highly competitive residencies that I definitely don't have the same drive to pursue.

Maybe that's the difference? Maybe choosing balance over med school robot isn't a bad thing, just a difference of desire. Maybe it's ok for me to want a life outside of school, to spend my weekends chasing fun. Maybe it's ok to accept that I am part flighty high school girl and part young professional?

Either way, I've been thinking this week. In part these thoughts were stirred by a mildly climactic end to my recent dating sprint. Make-out boy turned out to be more party than I prefer, the other guy I was hanging out with was trying to move things way too fast and I decided to shut it down, got asked to go dutch to a movie 2 nights ago by another guy and (call me traditional) was mildly disgusted that the guy was cheap enough to throw the 'dutch' in there, and after all that I turned down the offer to go out with another guy last night. He's cute, but last I heard he's in a relationship (what a jerk) and to be honest, after a month of dating flops I didn't care to go out again.

Basically I think I'm ready for a little 'me' time. This week there will be no boys, no parties, just a weekend of relaxation, shopping, girl's nights, and family. Maybe next week I'll step back into the game with new priorities in tow. But this weekend will be...


In honor of this week's addendum, have a listen:

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