Wednesday, November 17, 2010


'Sleepless' by fave Norweigan artist Kate Havnevik
(The creepy Grey's Anatomy vid is just coincidence. Focus on the song.)

It's 5:19 in the a.m. I've been awake since 4:30, woke up at 2:30, couldn't fall asleep till 1:30. Looks like sleep just isn't in the cards for me. So here I am... blogging it out.

If you recall from my last post 'Recovery' I was planning on taking it easy last week and hitting up some 'me' time and girl's nights over the weekend. After a record week of studying only ~7 or so hours outside of school, let's just say I got some much needed...

Gym Time,
Read a book
(If you've not read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, it comes highly recommended)
Enjoyed my break from the opposite sex,
Did a little baking
(snickerdoodles nom nom)
Even took some time to girl out

...In a nut shell...
I'm feeling much better... That is, aside from the fact that sleep is currently evading me.

But anyway.

This week it's back to the usual double paced multi-tasked life. If you know me you know I have a hard time sitting still, but med school isn't really conducive to sitting still so it works out....
Basically, I'm loving it.

The downside?

I had a date last night (new guy, not worth mentioning). Halfway through the date I was talking kind of fast and he asked me if I was just a total stress bomb. I started laughing (took a mental note to slow down) and launched my theory that medical school has me hyper-stimulated, that in my downtime it's sort of hard to transition from my schedule of run, Run, RUN. He laughed, but it still got me thinking...

Maybe it would be good to streamline a few things?

...Give up some of my weekend for sleep and study vs going out?
Give myself a break from the gym?
Drop the caffeine intake?...

But then I decided... No.
I need my fun on the weekend. I'm finally getting back in shape. And ok... I can cut down on the diet coke (and by doing so, hopefully prevent recurrent episodes of current insomnia), but that's it.

They say balance in medical school is important. Maybe my version of that is squeezing more into less time, but to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way.

...Moral of the story...
Live a fuller life. You'd be surprised what you have time for if you make time to include it.

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