Monday, July 25, 2011

Death Wish Part 3 (or is it 4?)

The big news of the day is that we're going to have an NFL season after all. Here is the latest report from CNN Radio:
This afternoon players unanimously ratified a 10-year deal, ending the lockout. The agreement was finalized by negotiators earlier today. It opens the way for formal practice to start this week, with preseason games starting on August 11th and the regular season kicking off on September 8th. 
This is all great news. My blog title would have made ZERO sense without football. Also, I was not looking forward to finding something else to do with my Sundays. I just perfected the GREATEST chili to hot dog ratio that would have gone to waste.
But again, bucking the trends of mainstream media, I have decided not to post on the deal today, but on a rumor that seems to have been started by Michael Vick's Twitter account. BRETT FAVRE IS THINKING ABOUT MAYBE COMING OUT OF RETIREMENT TO BACK UP VICK IN PHILLY! Sorry to get all Kayne West on you there...but, are you freaking kidding me?!? The man is 41 and could barely walk or move his arm at the end of last season and he (and his 19 interceptions) was one of the main reasons the Vikes were so horrible.
This isn't even funny anymore. The man is going to hurt himself, he's going to turn his brain to mush or get hit in a way where he'll never walk again. I am not an ageist, but he's too old and too injured to play football anymore and anyone who signs him (Yah, you Andy Reid) is irresponsible and should think long and hard before they make this move.
We always hear about the athletes that can't walk away from the game, but there's got to be a better way to stay involved and get your football fix. Be an analyst, assistant coach, ball boy for goodness sake, but leave the actual playing to the 23-year-old NON GRANDPA's.
I'm so worked up over this because I actually used to like Favre...maybe like is a strong word, I used to respect him. Now, it's sad.
I traveled from Vancouver to Seattle in a snow storm to see Favre play against the Seahawks when he was with the Jets. This was supposed to be his last game and I wanted to see his greatness before he called it quits. I'm almost sorry I made that trip.
There are so many reasons why this is a bad idea. But if he's coming back because of ego maybe that's the way to appeal to him. His legacy will be destroyed forever if he goes out backing up a convicted felon on a team that everyone hates (including Santa).

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