Friday, April 17, 2009

Photo of the Day Archive: Stumbling Stones

This is just an archive of old "Photos of the Day" from Germany.

Okay, another set of "Photos of the Day". This is pretty amazing, and sad, too.

Okay, so you can imagine that the Holocaust is something that the
Germans have a hard time dealing with. I only recently learned that
there are markers that memorialize many of the dead individually.

The markers are called "stumbling stones" (I don't remember the term
in German), and they are located on the sidewalks in front of the
houses where people lived who died in the Holocaust. The "stumbling
stones" are actually small brass plates, about 4 inches on each side,
and they are slightly higher than the surrounding sidewalk. If it
sounds like you would trip when you catch them with your foot, you're
right--that's apparently the point: they WANT you to notice them.

These are the only "stumbling stones" I've found so far in Cologne.
The one marked "Laura Alsberg" says that she was born in 1861 and
deported in 1942, so she was an 81 year old woman when she was sent to
the camp at Theresienstadt. The other pair of stones are for Salomon
and Margarethe Levenbach. It looks from the dates like she was his
daughter. They died at Auschwitz, apparently.

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