Sunday, October 2, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Call For Totalitarian Government, Re-Election Of Obama

I think it’s safe to say that these protestors are out to lunch. In the video below you can see that none of these young people can make a coherent point. They strings Leftist platitudes together but none of it makes sense.

One guy even incredibly says that it’s proper for the government to use force to achieve social justice. At the heart of Leftism are the strands of totalitarianism. And the guy wearing the glasses is proof.

Info Wars

Despite their honest intentions, many of the Occupy Wall Street protesters are being suckered into a trap and calling for the very “solutions” that are part of the financial elite’s agenda to torpedo the American middle class – higher taxes and more big government.

The ignorance displayed in these interviews knows no bounds. The protesters just don’t get it. They are calling for the government to use force to impose their ideas, all in the name of bringing down corporations who they don’t realize have completely bought off government regulators. Corporations and government enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship – getting one to regulate the other is asinine and only hurts smaller businesses who are legitimately trying to compete in a free market economy that barely exists.

The zeal for totalitarian government amongst some of the “protesters” is shocking. One sign being carried around read, “A government is an entity which holds the monopolistic right to initiate force,” which seems a little ironic when protesters complain about being physically assaulted by police in the same breath.

More here

I hold Barack Obama responsible for these protests because his class warfare rhetoric is feeding it.
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