Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Samuel L. Jackson agrees with Morgan Freeman that Tea Party is racist.

I’ve enjoyed Jackson’s work in films like Jackie Brown and Pulp Fiction. But like Morgan Freeman, Jackson is fulfilling the role Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton usually play. The Tea Party has to be racist in order for African Americans to continue voting Democrat.

It’s as simple as that!

That’s the template the Democrat Party has set going back since the Tea Party sprung up nationwide two years ago. It’s a form of mind control that seems to work with some Balck people. Can you say “brainwash”?

Hot Air

No matter how poorly the economy performs, no matter how many scandals surround the administration, no matter how weakly the president’s jobs plan is received by legislators and the public, Samuel L. Jackson can see no reason why the Tea Party might oppose Barack Obama’s reelection other than race. From an interview with New York Magazine:

While we were on the subject, we asked Jackson if he agreed with fellow thespian Morgan Freeman, who caused something of a ruckus recently after he claimed that the tea party is racist. “It’s pretty obvious what they are,” Jackson told us. “The division of the country is not about the government having too much power. I think everything right now is geared toward getting that guy out of office, whatever that means,” he said, echoing Freeman. “It’s not politics. It is not economics. It all boils down to pretty much to race. It is a shame.”

More here

The game is the same. Republicans are racists, I love you, vote Democrat.


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