Friday, May 21, 2010

Rand Paul Jumps Out to a 25-point Lead in KY Senate Race

The Left is going crazy trying to paint Rand Paul as the biggest racist since Sen Robert Byrd, J. William Fullbright, Lestor Maddox, George Wallace, and Bull Conner.

Did I mention these were all prominent Democrats who did not want the 1964 Civil Rights legislation passed?

But, be that as it may, the Left seems to be obsessed with Paul’s opinion on the matter even though he was in diapers at the time.

Do you think that Rachel “The Karate Kid” Maddow is just trying to play pin the tail on the Racists just to see if anything sticks?

From Hot Air:

The knock on Rand Paul from both Republicans and Democrats during the primary was his electability in a general election.

His conservo-libertarian views would push the Republican ticket out of the mainstream, allowing the eventual Democratic nominee to grab the center and win a takeaway in the midterms.
Rasmussen’s latest poll of likely voters in Kentucky show that the problem may be reversed, and that Jack Conway is in serious danger of being marginalized:

Rand Paul, riding the momentum of his big Republican Primary win on Tuesday, now posts a 25-point lead over Democrat Jack Conway in Kentucky’s U.S. Senate race, but there’s a lot of campaigning to go.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Kentucky, taken Wednesday night, shows Paul earning 59% of the vote, while Conway picks up 34% support. Four percent (4%) percent prefer some other candidate, and three percent (3%) are undecided.
Conway can’t even make the sale among Democrats:

Since winning the primary, Paul has gained ground among Republican voters and is now supported by 82% of the GOP faithful. That figure is up from 69% earlier. Paul also earns 73% support from unaffiliated voters at this time. That, too, reflects a huge bounce following the primary victory …
Conway, on the other hand, attracts support from just 59% of Democrats. Most conservative Democrats currently prefer Paul over the Democratic nominee. Conservative Democrats represent just under 15% of all Kentucky voters.

That’s hardly the only problem Conway faces, either. His favorability rating is a -1, 44/45, with only 15% being “very favorable” of Conway against 20% “very unfavorable.” Among independents, it drops to 36/49, with 15% undecided. Comparatively, Paul has a favorability rating of +41 (69/28), with indies giving him an 74/25 favorability split.
Even if the Democrats continue to attack Paul as an extremist or nut, which has already begun, it’s going to take a lot of erosion to bring Paul down to Conway’s low favorability ratings.

Full story


Look for the campaign against Paul to basically boil down to 5 words.

“But, he’s really a racist!”

Via Hot Air

The Last Tradition

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