Monday, March 29, 2010


Today I was accepted into Medical School. It's been...

A Crazy.
Mix of Emotions.
Lots of Crying.

It's hard to put into words how I'm feeling, and to be honest a little hard to process given how busy I've been lately and the fact that I fly out in the morning to Portland for my interview with OHSU (options are a girls best friend). But I can tell you, this is an amazing moment. One I've dreamed of for most of my life and one that I've worked for my entire education. Through it all, the ups, the downs, and life, things have finally come full circle and I am really just so full of gratitude. Thanks to all of you, my family and friends for your congratulations. I love you and it means a lot. I'll let you know how my interview goes and keep you updated on where I decide to attend should I rack up another acceptance or two. Thanks again. -H

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