Thursday, June 17, 2010

1/2 Way + 2 Days...

It's June 17th, which means I'm halfway + 2 days through this lovely month. I figured it's about time to do a lil inventory on my summer checklist plus addendum. Not that any of you care to read, but well you know, this is my blog and I care to write. So, here goes...

1. Summer Job? Two in fact! Hocking concessions at the horse races to drunken cowboys and gambling enthusiasts and working part-time as a sales associate at Macy's.

2. Brain Food? I'm on book 4, so 1 book ahead of my book/week goal. My last 3books have been from the Leven Thumps series.
*So I have a thing for young adult fantasy novels... Shh, I'm cool.*
3. Naughty Body? Work in progress. I've taken up biking, I'm down 5 lbs, and I've only missed 3 days at the gym.

4. With the Times? My music knowledge is sub par, but I finished Glee and caught up on The Hills and The City (mindless, yet so fulfilling).
*Don't worry, I'm working on my business/political knowledge too, reading a lil
Economist, Forbes, and watching the news.*
5. MD Cribs? Most recent addition- My vintage 1970's swag lamp! So chic, I know. I plan to polish up the crystal and spray paint over the brass with a silver color.
*I'm handy*

6. Six String?
Haven't actually picked it up in the last week, but I was making some progress on fave song Imagine by John Lennon. I'll get back on it.

7. Calendar? Check! Work schedule and birthdays marked.
*Lack of structure induced sleeping in?...Somewhat less frequent*
8. Vacays? (and nights out)? None set in stone, but several on deck...
*Tubs and Thai food at Lava Hot Springs, Eclipse movie and theme dinner, and potentially Vegas with the ladies, and Zions with bff Ssdack.*

9. Writing? I'm on board with the blogging. Nothing too crazy, but it's keeping me entertained :)

I suppose that's all. 1/2 way + 2 days through June. Summer plans on track...

*I know, not exactly an interesting post, but a girl's got to stay busy and these are my summer To Do's. You just hush ok?*

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