Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mass brawl at Rye Playland after Muslim women are banned from going on rides unless they remove their head scarves hijabs

This is the second time I heard of in the New York area of a Muslim woman intentionally causing an incident that wasn’t necessary.

The other situation occurred at a skating rink where a Muslim woman was asked to remove her head scarf or wear a helmet over it to be allowed to skate. She refused both option and cried religious persecution.

That was a bunch of bull then, and it was a bunch of bull yesterday. Some Muslims purposely provoke these kinds incidents so they can play the victim.

This had nothing to do with religion, it was a liability issue for Rye Playland putting others at risk if a scarf goes flying and gets tangled somewhere causing serious injury.

Daily Mail

A theme park was forced to shut its gates to visitors when a mass brawl broke out after Muslim women were banned from rides unless they removed their headscarves. Two park rangers were hospitalized and 15 people were arrested in the scuffle at Rye Playland in New York yesterday. The theme park was crowded with around 6,000 visitors. Roughly 3,000 were in a Muslim tour group celebrating a holiday at the end of Ramadan.

The incident reportedly started when women wearing Muslim hijab scarves tried to get on rides banning any head coverings. Scuffles broke out after women became furious at not being allowed on rides with their religious head covering and started to argue with park staff, before rangers stepped. The park entrance was closed for two hours as the fighting escalated.

Ola Salem, 17, of Brooklyn, New York, was wearing a headscarf and said she was denied entry onto a ride with her eight-year-old sister.

'They said no because my of my "headgear",' she told the New York Times. 'I said: "It’s not my headgear, it’s my religion".'

However park officials said the ban was for safety reasons and they respect their customers' religious beliefs. 'Everybody got mad, everybody got upset,' Amr Khater, of Brooklyn, told The Journal News. 'It’s our holiday. Why would you do this to us?'

More here

Fight Beaks Out at Rye Playland Over Muslim Headscarves:

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