Tuesday, January 25, 2011

(diet) Coke Whore

Diet coke... a toxic combination of carbonation and chemicals and I'm addicted.

...2 days clean...
And encouraging you to kick the habit for the following reasons:

1) artificial sweeteners like aspartame have been linked to a number of disorders including fibromyalgia.
2) the phosphorus present in soda literally leaches calcium from your bones contributing to disorders like osteoporosis.
3) carbonation has been shown to decrease aerobic endurance.
4) diet sodas and artificial sweeteners are suspected to increase sweet cravings vs curb them as many dieters hope and they may actually lower your metabolism.

My caffeine substitute of choice?
Iced coffee
*splash of skim and single packet of raw sugar (no splenda/aspartame for this girl)*

Mildly more expensive, arguably higher in caffeine, and debatable trade-off in health related consequences (naughty tannins).

Am I just trading one vice for another? Perhaps, but for now I'll consider this more natural substitute an upgrade.
Considering coffee shops have become my recent study hub of choice, I'm starting to think that caffeine, med school, and studying are a good combo.

Either way, wish me luck for day 3 diet coke free.

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