Saturday, January 29, 2011

Green Grass

Is the grass really greener on the other side?...Or do we just want what we can't have?

Occasionally I catch myself wishing I was working. I romanticize the 9-5 schedule that would allow me to leave work at work and come home to a personal life that is completely separate and so much simpler.

...What about my friends that work?...
They constantly tell me how they envy my freedom. Sure I have scheduled classes and I have to study, but at least I get to choose when to study vs them who have to deal with scheduled appointments and shifts.

...And what about boys?...
The surest way for me to fall for a guy? Let him decide he doesn't like me and suddenly the boy that didn't originally merit much thought becomes the funny, smart, and fun guy that I've been looking for. The fact that I don't have him makes me want him. I'll forget that I like being single and think of how much better life would be if I were in a relationship. I'll work to get them to notice me again, but once his affections return... so does my disinterest.

.The point.
The grass is always greener and you always want what you don't have.

Though not to be admired, I don't think this is a mentality specific to my own state of affairs. Is it simply human nature to be chronically dissatisfied or is it just a flaw in mainstream thought that leads us to think that everyone else's lot is better than our own?

To be honest, I'm not sure.
But either way, this school of thought is not one that I'd like subscribe to. Self-improvement and personal advancement should be striven for for their own merit and not as an attempt to reach that next 'greener pasture.' You should be happy with what you have, not chasing what you don't for the sheer utility of attaining it. Dissatisfaction breeds discontentment and discontent is not something that you or I should want to be.

So, the next time you start thinking how great life would be if this or that were different, why don't you try remembering how much you love school, your job, or having dates with 3 different guys in the last 2 weeks (true story).

...Just something to think about...

**And now, just because we can... Let's close things up with a modern example of 'The Grass is Greener Phenomenon.'**
Are your Facebook friends really having more fun than you?
An article featured on detailing the tendency for people to think another's life is more fun or exciting than their own based on a false impression of their happiness via status updates and fun photos.
Oh Fb, the ways you permeate modern culture never ceases to amaze.

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