Sunday, January 16, 2011


Escapism - mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation, as an "escape" from the perceived unpleasant or banal aspects of daily life.


A classic example of escapism is substance abuse, but normal activities like eating, sleeping (as in depression), exercise, sex (see Meredith Grey), and sometimes even religion can all provide an escape if taken overboard.

I hate to admit it, but I think in recent months I’ve become a bit of an escape artist… I also think this has happened before.

*Note: Last year's medical school application stress and resultant shopping.

However, it's not shopping that is serving as current mode of escape...It's fun.

In recent months I’ve become completely reliant on an escape from school by chasing fun... and well, boys. I justified these actions claiming they were an effort to maintain balance, but in reality the scales were tipped and it wasn’t school that was overwhelming my priorities. This isn’t to say that I haven’t been taking school seriously, I've genuinely learned a lot this year. Nor is it to say that I've been going crazy taking things to the extreme.

...It's just...

Medical school is a major component of my life right now and in part the decision to be here reflects a part of who I am, a responsible, smart, and successful part that I haven't been living up to. Bottom line, I haven’t identified as an underachiever in the past and I know I’m capable of doing better than I have been.

Consider this jail break... No more need to escape. Reevaluated, re-focused, and ready to rock.

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