Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Finally David Brooks admits he’s a sap for believing in the Obama phenomenon

The New York Times version of a Conservative, David Brooks, who was so smitten by Brarack Obama’s pants crease, has finally come to the notion that he’s a fool for ever believing in the viability of Barack Obama.

Oh sure David, now you come around. This should be a lesson to the young people not to always be impressed with so-called intellectuals of either strip. Many times these guys don’t know jack about the real word. But, people are so taken by their intelligence they assume they know everything about everything. Frequently, they only know a sliver of stuff that doesn’t transfer to everyday life.

For example, people were fooled into thinking that a community organizer who taught constitutional law for 2 minutes was suited to be president.

How is that working for the country?

New York Times

When the president said the unemployed couldn’t wait 14 more months for help and we had to do something right away, I believed him. When administration officials called around saying that the possibility of a double-dip recession was horrifyingly real and that it would be irresponsible not to come up with a package that could pass right away, I believed them.

I liked Obama’s payroll tax cut ideas and urged Republicans to play along. But of course I’m a sap. When the president unveiled the second half of his stimulus it became clear that this package has nothing to do with helping people right away or averting a double dip. This is a campaign marker, not a jobs bill.

Yes, I’m a sap. I believed Obama when he said he wanted to move beyond the stale ideological debates that have paralyzed this country. I always believe that Obama is on the verge of breaking out of the conventional categories and embracing one of the many bipartisan reform packages that are floating around.

But remember, I’m a sap. The White House has clearly decided that in a town of intransigent Republicans and mean ideologues, it has to be mean and intransigent too. The president was stung by the liberal charge that he was outmaneuvered during the debt-ceiling fight. So the White House has moved away from the Reasonable Man approach or the centrist Clinton approach.

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