Sunday, September 25, 2011

Why the media has to say Herman Cain can never be a viable candidate

The mainstream media is quick to dismiss Herman Cain’s upset win in Florida as a fluke. A few minutes ago the host of Meet the Press, David Gregory called Cain bid for the GOP nod as “not viable”.


The answer is Liberals have a deep hatred of black conservatives because it totally destroys the template they’ve carefully crafted for communities of color going back to the days of Barry Goldwater.

The last thing the Democrat Party wants is for African Americans to become more like Herman Cain. If one is born Black or Latino the choice of political party is culturally, socially, and most important psychologically etched in stone without any regard for the individual person’s feelings.

Where is the freedom?

The answer is it doesn’t exist for African Americans and other peoples of color because the “plantation mentality” is nurtured and reinforced every time a famous Liberal says the Tea Party can go to hell or that they’re a bunch racists. That’s why Herman Cain in the African American community is thought of as “Uncle Tom”. Whips are no longer needed to keep Blacks thinking the way Liberals want them to think.

The media is an important propaganda tool for Liberals.

It’s no accident that MSNBC gave Al Sharpton his own show.
It’s no accident that African Americans are stigmatized by others within the community for watching Fox News.

And it’s also no accident that Herman Cain can never be a viable candidate for president.

This country was built on the notion of freedom for all. But, not all were free, and a war was fought to settle the issue. Over 146 years later we unfortunately still have mental collectivism that the media wants to guarantee stays strong. That collectivism is more important than Herman Cain and freedom is damned in the process.


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