Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Stunning-Media fleeing Obama: AP Fact Check labels Obama as a liar: Rich already taxed more than fair share

A week ago in New York a Republican won a seat in congress that had been held by the Democrat Party for 100 years. In a post the next day I wrote:

“A nuclear bomb has gone off within the ranks of the Democrat Party from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunny shores of California.”

Today, another nuclear explosion has blown up in the face of Barack Obama and the bombers are none other than the Associated Press.

Typically the AP along with the New York Times, the Washington Post and MSNBC give fawning coverage of the president and always portray him in a positive light. That was until the AP totally cut Obama at the knees by reporting a truth that rarely is seen in the mainstream media—the rich are taxed a hell of a lot more than the average person realizes.

Associated Press

President Barack Obama says he wants to make sure millionaires are taxed at higher rates than their secretaries. The data say they already are.

"Warren Buffett's secretary shouldn't pay a higher tax rate than Warren Buffett. There is no justification for it," Obama said as he announced his deficit-reduction plan this week. "It is wrong that in the United States of America, a teacher or a nurse or a construction worker who earns $50,000 should pay higher tax rates than somebody pulling in $50 million."

On average, the wealthiest people in America pay a lot more taxes than the middle class or the poor, according to private and government data. They pay at a higher rate, and as a group, they contribute a much larger share of the overall taxes collected by the federal government.
The 10 percent of households with the highest incomes pay more than half of all federal taxes. They pay more than 70 percent of federal income taxes, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

In his White House address on Monday, Obama called on Congress to increase taxes by $1.5 trillion as part of a 10-year deficit reduction package totaling more than $3 trillion. He proposed that Congress overhaul the tax code and impose what he called the "Buffett rule," named for the billionaire investor.

More here

What’s amazing about AP finally reporting the truth is that is signals a cosmic shift in media coverage of Obama. However, whether that trend continues remains to be seen. But, for one day the AP didn’t lick Obama’s boots and reported like profession journalists for a change.


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