Monday, September 19, 2011

Liberal Democrats to treat Obama like typical White man: Will challenge for Dem nomination

How will the brothers and sisters in the ‘hood react when the Caucasian power structure in the Democrat Party kicks Obama to the curb? I don’t see them turning tail and voting Republican, but I do see them staying home for good and bowing out of the voting process.

The pain of seeing Barack vanquished by the very party that pledges to look out for their interests can have lasting effects on the most loyal voting block.

Washington Times

Worried the liberal voice is being drowned out in the presidential campaign, progressive leaders said Monday they want to field a slate of candidates against President Obama in the Democratic primaries to make him stake out liberal stances as he seeks re-election.

Ralph Nader warns that without an intraparty challenge the liberal agenda “will be muted and ignored,” the one-man primary will kill voter enthusiasm and voters won’t get a chance to reflect on the real differences that divide the Democratic and Republican parties.
“What we are looking at now is the dullest presidential campaign since Walter Mondale — and that’s saying something, believe me,” Mr. Nader told The Washington Times.

The group’s call has been endorsed by more than 45 other liberal leaders. They want to recruit six candidates who bring expertise ranging from poverty to the military.

Mr. Nader said the intent is not to defeat Mr. Obama but to make him focus on issues that might get lost in a purely Obama-versus-GOP discussion.

Defeating an incumbent in a primary is a tall order, but opponents can expose weaknesses, as Patrick J. Buchanan did in 1992 to the first President Bush and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy did in 1980 to President Carter.

More here

This is getting interesting!


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